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Financial Situation of the Company The last season.

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1 Financial Situation of the Company The last season

2 Financial Situation of Asia For Asia, stores can maintain positive profit generally. Only two out of six months record a lost (February and June). While the most profitable month is May. Among the three stores, Store13 is the most profitable store where Store12 have the least profit. However, the total profit from all the three stores only contribute about 18% of the total profit of the company

3 Financial Situation of Europe The three stores can make a little profit generally. However, individual stores meet a lost for more than a month. For example, Store 21, three out of a half year record a lost. Besides, Store 23, two months of the six-month period record a lost. Comparing to Store21, the lost in not so serious. Stores in Europe make the least profit among the five continents, it occupies only 14% of the total profit.

4 Financial Situation of Australia Stores in Australia can always make a profit during the six-month period. January is the most profitable month, followed by April and May. The other months have a relatively lower profit. The total profit by stores in Australia account for one fifth of the total profit of the computer.

5 Financial Situation of North America The stores in America can always make a profit. The distribution of profit is more evenly distributed than other continents The highest profit is made in April, while the lowest is in January. The profit made by this continent account for 22% of the total profit of the company, which is the second highest profit maker among the five continent.

6 Financial situation of South America Apart from the record made by Store 42 in march and April, all the record gives positive value. June is the most profitable month, followed by April, May and February. Stores in this continent is the main contributor of the total profit of the company, which take account for 27% of the total profit of the company.

7 Profit Trend of the coming months It is easy to see that the company can continue to have profit in the coming three months. The trend reveal that September will have the highest profit among the coming months. The forecast value of the profit can reach as high as HKG$11,154,947

8 Grant Total Number  Grant total number over January to June is  HK$40,842,816  Grant total predicted profit from July to September is  HK$11,154,947 Most Profitable Stores  By Store ID  1.Store 43  2.Store 52  3.Store 41 End of Presentation

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