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Los Angeles Unified School District Educational Technology Grant Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Los Angeles Unified School District Educational Technology Grant Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Angeles Unified School District Educational Technology Grant Program

2 Proposal Authorize the use of bond dollars to fund the $6.2m education technology matching grant program To be presented for action February 25 BOC 2

3 Program Overview Funding = $6,200,000 Matching grant School-driven solutions Collaboration between schools ◦ 2:1 match for strong collaborations Expand access 3

4 Timeline ◦ Submission window  November 16 through January 8 ◦ Scoring and selection  January 11 through February 11 ◦ Notification to Schools  February 12 ◦ Bond Oversight Committee vote  February 25 ◦ Board of Education vote  March 8 ◦ Procurement process begins  March 8 4

5 Application Questions 1.What will you purchase:  With grant funds?  With your matching funds? 2.What is the source of the matching funds? 3.What is the plan for using the resources? 4.Expected impact on student learning? 5.Describe the proposed partnership. 5

6 Application Summary 343 schools submitted Over $25m applied for Scores fit classic bell curve 32 of 101 ITI schools submitted 6

7 Application Summary Number of Schools by Type School TypeNon-ITIITITotal Early Ed Centers2 2 Primary Centers8 8 Elementary Schools18117198 Middle Schools48755 High Schools53861 Span Schools8 8 City of Angels1 1 Adult Schools10 Grand Total31132343 7

8 Application Summary Number of Schools by Local District 8 Local District# of Apps Northeast42 Northwest39 South48 Central59 East70 West75 Adult Schools10 Grand Total343

9 Scoring and Selection ◦ ~$1m per Local District ◦ Initial scoring by ITI & ITD staff (complete)  Rubric: ◦ Final ranking and decisions by Local District and Division of Instruction (February 11) 9

10 Observations So Far Types of equipment proposed 1.Chromebooks 2.iPads 3.Mac laptops & desktops 4.Windows laptops & desktops ITI schools proposed additional equipment Some proposed technology for certain grade levels as opposed entire school 10

11 Observations So Far Some requested support equipment: ◦ Projectors, printers, document cameras, Smartboards Some proposed expensive equipment to support a plan that did not require it ◦ i.e. high-end laptops and desktops to help improve reading levels Some did not fully recognize the need for technical, instructional, and professional development support 11

12 Observations So Far 213 of 343 schools proposed partnerships ◦ Partnerships between schools ◦ Non-profits  California Emerging Technology Fund  Boys and Girls clubs  ◦ Colleges  UCLA  USC  Santa Monica College  CSUN ◦ Corporations 12

13 Benefits of the Program ◦ Pilot program ◦ Will inform the work of the ITI task force ◦ School leadership develops solutions ◦ Numerous partnerships explored ◦ Expands use of technology ◦ Execution will incorporate past lessons learned  Instructional technology plan  Inventory management resources 13

14 Proposal Authorize the use of bond dollars to fund the $6.2m education technology matching grant program 14

15 Questions

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