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 59 Members as of December 31  So far this year: › We’ve welcomed 1 new member Nick Mitzen › We said good bye to 2 members Bob Blaseck Stacy Malleck.

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2  59 Members as of December 31  So far this year: › We’ve welcomed 1 new member Nick Mitzen › We said good bye to 2 members Bob Blaseck Stacy Malleck


4 Although our average tenure is 10 years, almost half of our members have been with us 5 or fewer years

5 Each program has a committed champion There is a flexible budgeting process that allows us to entertain mid-year requests Members demonstrate engagement There is an effective process for integrating new members into the Club Planning is conducted far enough in advance to secure District funding for projects that we want to pursue in the coming year.

6 MembershipInternational New member on-boarding Quarterly membership programs Membership diversification Share best practices Continued support of Ak’Tenemit Literacy Programs Partner with New Generations through matching funds CommunityNew Generations Community grant project Expand Thanksgiving project Holiday shopping Rotary Reads Immunization Clinic Partner with Interact Club RYLA Book Scholarships Identify potential new Interact Club

7 Plan & execute at least 5 Rotary Days (1 per sector) to raise awareness of Rotary Increase number of 100% Paul Harris Clubs by 10% Achieve 100% participation in EREY and EPN fundraising 100% of Clubs utilize a District Grant 80% of Clubs participate in a local or international service project related to one of RI’s 6 humanitarian focus areas Net membership growth of 2 members/club Strengthen the relationship between Interact Clubs and their Rotary Club sponsors Each club demonstrates commitment to Youth service Improve communication, coordination, and collaboration with and between Clubs

8 Do the projects and activities identified meet our criteria for a successful 14/15 Rotary year? Yes, but might be too ambitious Idea of Champion for each project – well received Are there other areas that should be considered? Bigger social media presence Various service project ideas Sponsorship of a Rotaract Club More “Fireside Chat- type” programs More involvement with Ambassadorial Scholarship program

9 Other Comments and Feedback: More social events (include spouses) Improve member communication- ClubRunner training Explore corporate membership and sources of membership diversification Don’t overbook in November & December

10 Community Service Expanded the Thanksgiving project Expanded Holiday Shopping Program Staffed 3 immunization clinics Bicycle Donation Program Rotary Reads Vocational Service Co-sponsored “Landing a Job in Your New Land” – a new year long program with AHML

11 Fundraising and Community Presence July 4th parade Taste of Arlington and Mane Event Rotary Tour d’Arlington Rotary Santa Run Awarded AHCC Not-for-profit of the Year New Generations Partnered with RMHS Interact and Chamber Young Professionals for Thanksgiving project Co-hosted Rotary Breakfast Briefing for area educators Distributed George and Marion Harris book scholarships Matched funds for RMHS Interact International service project Rechartered Troop 34 and agreed to charter Cub Pack 169

12 Membership Developed and launched Shared Membership Program International Authorized funding for international wheelchair project Authorized funding for Ak’Tenemit club & global grant Provided funding for seed program matching grant for Guatemala Foundation Contributed $ 6400 to RI Annual Fund Contributed $ 3000 to EPN Developed PHF point sharing program

13 Club Administration Steak Fry Holiday Party Upgraded ClubRunner ClubRunner “training” & scavenger hunt Surveyed members on “meeting satisfaction”

14 1.Are we on the right track? 2.Regarding programs: What topics would you like to see? Do you think we should have a program at every meeting? 3.Many members are interested or somewhat interested in substituting service projects for some of our regular meetings. What types of service projects would you be interested in?

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