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 Foundations  Non-profit organizations organizations  Corporations  Government agencies.

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Presentation on theme: " Foundations  Non-profit organizations organizations  Corporations  Government agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1  Foundations  Non-profit organizations organizations  Corporations  Government agencies

2  Independent foundations  Community foundations (look here first) (look here first)  Operating foundations  Family foundations

3  Cash  In-kind services  Matching Gift  Product Donations

4  Federal Grants  State Grants  Local Grants  Pass-through funds

5  Project grant  Operating grant  Restricted grant  General purpose  Start-up funds  Challenge grant  Matching grant  Regrant program  In-kind contribution  Technical assistance  Fellowships  Awards and prizes

6 Search by:  Federal or State web site, by Department  Association type  Foundations  Corporations (great for technology product donation)  Search engines, Google, Dogpile, Yahoo, Excite: use key terms, “grants k-8 education use key terms, “grants k-8 education”  Network contacts

7  Know your project and be able to articulate your needs  State the reason for your request clearly and concisely  Look for funding from local sources first  Use the most up-to-date statistics to support your request  Make sure your proposal is readable and easy to understand  Seek out individuals who have successfully received grants

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