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The Hundred Years War and Joan of Arc

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1 The Hundred Years War and Joan of Arc
7.49 Gather relevant information from multiple sources about Henry V, Hundreds Year War, and Joan of Arc.

2 What is the Hundred Years War?
A term used to describe a series of small wars between England and France Lasted from Was fought primarily over claims by the English kings to the French throne

3 Causes of the Hundred Years War
Dates back to William the Conqueror Controlled both English land and French land Basically every English king after him wants land in both England and France Some kings would even marry French nobles to gain French land


5 The final straw King Philip of France died
Had no sons However his daughter, married to the King of England, did have a son King Phillip also had a brother who had a son The question is who becomes king???

6 Who becomes King? French nobles wanted Philip’s nephew
England’s King Edward, grandson of Philip, claimed the throne as well We all know what happens when two guys claim the same throne!!! WAR!!!

7 The War Basically a series of short raids with very few major battles
Each side had their own advantages France More money and people England Better weapons

8 The new weapons The English longbow
Could pierce armor from 200 yards away Could be fired rapidly (12-15 arrows a minute)


10 The new weapons The English longbow The Cannon
Could pierce armor from 200 yards away Could be fired rapidly (12-15 arrows a minute) The Cannon Big and Heavy and at first dragged along the ground Soon became smaller and more maneuverable Would transform the way castles and forts were built


12 Henry V King of England Baited the French army to attack him at Agincourt Using these new weapons 10,000 French killed 100 English killed Gained control of most of Northern France Including Paris

13 The Treaty of Troyes (1420) After the Battle of Agincourt the French were defeated (for now) A truce is made King Henry would marry Catherine, daughter of French King, Charles VI Charles VII was disinherited as future king Henry V and Catherine’s children would be the next king of France (and England)

14 Back to War!!! Both King Charles VI and King Henry V died within a few months of each other Henry has an infant son Supposed to get all of England and France Charles VII is not happy and claims the French throne for himself

15 It’s Always Darkest before the Dawn
France lost battle after battle Nobles stopped supporting Charles VII Things looked bleak Until a young girl showed up on the scene


17 Joan of Arc Daughter of peasants who suffered under England
Around the age of 12 she claimed she had visions from God These visions told her to go to Dauphin and save France At age 16 she convinces the French commanders that she was sent by God She is even able to convince the King

18 Joan of Arc Leads the French to victory at the town of Orleans
It was her strategy that helped win the day As was her faith and charisma Over the next 5 weeks she beats the English over and over again She even escorted the king into enemy territory

19 Joan is captured Leading an attack on Paris Joan is captured
Because she dressed like a boy and received visions from God she was declared a heretic (practicing witchcraft) She is condemned to death and burned at the stake at the age of 19

20 Her death Unites the French They continue to defeat the English
By 1453 the English are completely kicked out of France

21 Timeline of the Hundred Years War
1337 1360 1429 1453

22 Outcomes of the war Gave strong national identities to both countries
Saw the introduction of new weapons Along with the war, plague and famine would lead people to look for answers that the Church could not provide. This shifted people’s thinking and paved the way for the Reformation.

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