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Lyon Gantry Status CERN 15 Sept. 2003 D. Contardo Calibration Plates and Tools Readiness for production.

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Presentation on theme: "Lyon Gantry Status CERN 15 Sept. 2003 D. Contardo Calibration Plates and Tools Readiness for production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lyon Gantry Status CERN 15 Sept. 2003 D. Contardo Calibration Plates and Tools Readiness for production

2 A calibration was performed in May with the calibration plate re-measured on the Karlsruhe Mitutoyo at 21°. 8 R4 modules without hybrids where produced with this calibration within the specs (see DB) despite a not optimized teta calibration due to a Z-motor crash. The 4 assembly plate positions were used for the first time and it seems possible to correlate the precision with the position (leaving room for optimization of the calibration). Since then, the teta calibration has been improved. The 8 modules have been measured in Karlsruhe and in Aachen, we expect to re-measure the modules on the gantry and use all the results to possibly improve the calibration. Lyon Gantry : Calibration

3 Storage plates : - R1N, R1S, 2 x R4 and 2 xR7 available Assembly plates : - 2 x R4 available : 1 qualified, 1 to be measured - 1 x R7 available, qualification in progress; 3 x R7 waiting for surface milling - R1N, R1S, surface milling in progress Hybrid tools : - Available for all assembly plates (to be tested one by one) Lyon Gantry : Plates and tools

4 (not including possible design changes) R4 modules : Full procedure (4 modules) ready to be tested material available : 2 frames, 6 Hybrids, 34 sensors R7 modules : Full procedure should be ready for test end of this week material available : 3 frames, 3 hybrids, about 40 sensors of each type R1N, R1S modules : Plates should be ready end of the week, procedure for test end of the month material available : 2 R1N + 1R1S frames, 2 R1N + 2R1S hybrids, 27 sensors Lyon Gantry : Readiness for production

5 Other aspects : Vacuum for glue curing to be finalized Test of conductive glue on gantry to be done (performed by hand in the mean time) All plates should be ready by the end of September Thorough evaluation of all plates and tools will take one month Only few transport supports (R4) and old design boxes are available Conclusion : Production for R4 modules is ready to start, for R7, R1N, R1S it should be ready to start before the end of the month (priority to R7). Production will probably start at low rate (20 modules per week) to reach final yield beginning of next year. Lyon Gantry : Readiness for production

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