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Green Materials for building construction  Materials or products that Minimize resource use  Materials or products with Low environmental impact  Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Green Materials for building construction  Materials or products that Minimize resource use  Materials or products with Low environmental impact  Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Materials for building construction  Materials or products that Minimize resource use  Materials or products with Low environmental impact  Materials or products Causing no or Low human and environmental health risks  Materials or products that Assist with sustainable building strategies  Materials or products from companies with sustainable social, environmental and corporate practices

2 Materials or products that Minimize resource use Products that use less material Reused material and products Reprocessed materials Materials or products with reuse potential Materials or products with recycling potential Renewable materials Durable materials

3 Materials or products with Low environmental impact  Sustainably harvested or mined materials  Minimally processed materials  Low polluting materials in extraction, manufacture, use or disposal  Low water use materials in extraction, manufacture, use or disposal  Low energy use materials in extraction, manufacture, use or disposal  Materials made with energy from renewable sources

4 Materials causing no or low human and environmental health risks Low emitting materials and products Materials or products that avoid toxic chemicals or by- products in their entire life cycle

5 Building material that assist sustainable strategies Product that promote a site’s hydrological health Products that reduce urban heat island effect Product that reduce energy consumption of site operation Product that reduce water consumption of site operation


7 GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION US green building council’s Leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) Green rating for integrated habitat assessment (GRIHA) Indian green building council (IGBC) Bureau of energy efficiency (BEE)

8 LEED Building rating program Sponsored by USGBC(United States Green Building Council) Consist of a suite of a rating system for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings and neighborhoods. Provides green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions

9 Green rating for integrated habitat assessment (GRIHA) Pre- construction stage Building planning and construction stages Building operation and maintenance stage

10 Benefits GRIHA Reduced energy consumption Reduced destruction of natural areas, habitats and biodiversity Reduced air and water pollution Reduced water consumption Limited waste generation due to recycling and reuse Reduced pollution loads Increased user productivity Enhanced image and marketability

11 IGBC CII- Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre

12 LEED certification by IGBC Sustainable site development Water savings Energy efficiency IEQ Materials selection LEED – INDIA Approach for Green buildings

13 BEE

14 Basic Steps For Energy Efficient Building Incorporate solar passive techniques in building design Design energy Use renewable energy systems Use of low energy materials and methods of construction and reduce transportation energy

15 Design parameters for energy efficiency Landscaping Location of water bodies Orientation Building envelope

16 Sustainable cities characteristics Adapting a policy to reduce, recycle and reuse consumed goods High values for quality of life Safe- guarding of natural environment Optimization of key resources


18 Main issues in a sustainable city in India Population Transportation Health Planning Air pollutants Sewage Landfills

19 Sustainable transportation

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