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Baldrige in Action the sequel Proudly presented by the teachers in K- 2.

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2 Baldrige in Action the sequel Proudly presented by the teachers in K- 2.

3 Kindergarten Students have a say in how their class functions.

4 Kindergarten Students know their goal and when they have achieved it.

5 Kindergarten Students take responsibility for reaching their goals.

6 Grade 1 A common set of values that everyone agrees to follow.

7 Grade 1 Students are a part of their progress.

8 Grade 1 The centers were not neat! Students ID the problem, created a plan, collected data, studied it and agreed that the problem has been solved with no further action necessary. PDSA

9 Grade 2 Data centers can look very different but still be meaningful to the students.

10 Grade 2 Using quality tools to help the students complete classroom routines.

11 Thank You!

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