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Constantine and Theodosius Barbarians and the de-Christianization of Europe?? The Rise of Monasticism Missionaries and the re-Christianization of Europe.

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2 Constantine and Theodosius Barbarians and the de-Christianization of Europe?? The Rise of Monasticism Missionaries and the re-Christianization of Europe The Crusades Lay Investiture Controversy vs. Petrine Supremacy Canossa Avignon Papacy and Great Schism Black Death Humanism

3 Church/ Pope as Political Leader Rome- Religion of the Empire Independence as Empire declined Leo I- Petrine Supremacy Dark Ages- Shaped daily life Provided order in the absence of political power Roman organization, committed members, Latin, etc Slow decline of discipline- Rule of St. Benedict Church under control of local lords- lay investiture (below)

4 Monastic Life- moral examples to society Early - hermits Then- communal living Rule of St. Benedict- work and prayer scriptoria Set the standard for religious life Cluny and Cistercians (500+ years later) SB 6.6

5 Re-Christianization Unify and Expand Territory Muslim expansion ?? ◦ Monasteries and Missionaries ◦ Blend pagan ideas/ festival dates ◦ St Patrick- Irish and English ◦ Clovis- Franks ◦ Charlemagne- Germans ◦ 800 and Leo III Lead

6 See homework videos for more details! Gothic

7 New Orders le ad next reform mov’t 1200s+ Monastic and mendicant Hospitality and Social Services Dominicans- Education Schools and Universities Franciscans- Service- sick and poor Hospitals and hostels

8 Scholasticism- faith and reason Explain Church teachings St. Augustine Peter Abelard vs Bernard of Clairveaux St. Thomas Aquinas Universities- increase of Education

9 Middle Ages- Extend papal authority Gregory I- Papal States Popes as rulers/ lords Missionaries and monasteries Crusades– Urban II Secure Borders against Muslim expansion Gregory VII- Eliminate Lay Investiture? (Canossa) No interference in election of Church officials- self-sufficient! Clerics cant be vassals!Increased power! Right to depose rulers! Benedict VIII- Avignon Papacy

10 Middle Ages- Extend papal authority Innocent III- Papal monarchy? Power over Church and secular affairs Approved new orders and 4 th Crusade Clement VI- Prince of Europe? Papal palace in Avignon- splendor, $$$$$ Bureaucracy and administration Schism Canon Law

11 Internal - leadership Political instability Avignon Papacy Disorganization= decline of power and prestige Upper Clergy Simony/ nepotism (Alex VI!), immorality, materialism, Mass/ churches Religion- lost spiritual focus Secularization- absolute authority Patrons of art External Social unrest Black Death Depopulation, moral decline/ fanaticism Pol/ Cultural pressure Lay investiture ctd. Humanism Authors question popes and criticize corruption

12 Church 7 Sacraments Church hierarchy and law Variety of Orders Service- hospitals, schools, hostels Rules for morality, religious/ family life Preservation of books (scriptoria) Renaissance (Crusades!) Other

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