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INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY Introduction. What is psychology? –What are the major approaches in psychology How do the psychologists answer the questions?

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY Introduction. What is psychology? –What are the major approaches in psychology How do the psychologists answer the questions?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is psychology? –What are the major approaches in psychology How do the psychologists answer the questions? –The Scientific Method / Research Methods in Psychology Chapter 1 - Foundations

3 Can a biological perspective help us understand who we are and why we act as we do? –Evolution, natural selection Are human beings very different from the animals? –Threat and aggression Chapter 2 – Biological Perspective

4 Chapter 3 – Brain and Nervous System Are we actually well developed machines? What is the connection between brain and the behavior? How does nervous system function?

5 How do we know where, what we see, hear, or feel is? How do we know whether it is moving or still? How do we know what it is? PERCEPTION Chapter 4 - Perception

6 The same animal but the features look different. So how can we classify all of them as a giraffe?

7 A hidden figure

8 Missing features

9 Reversible figure-ground pattern

10 Shape constancy

11 The Ponzo Illusion






17 How do we learn? –Habituation –Classical conditoning –Instrumental Conditioning Role of surprise? Chapter 5 - Learning

18 Classical Conditioning

19 Instrumental Conditioning

20 What would happen without memory? Memory failures –Amnesia Chapter 6 - Memory

21 What are the steps of physical development? What are the steps of cognitive development? Chapter 8 – Physical Growth


23 How do we develop socially? ATTACHMENT Chapter 9 – Social Development

24 What type of parents will we become?

25 Is it really that important to understand others? Is it really that important to understand ourselves? What about attitudes and emotions? How do they effect our behavior? Chapter 10 – Social Influence

26 Do we conform to the ideas of the majority?


28 Do we obey to stronger people/leaders? –How far can we go?


30 Obedience to Authority

31 Do we act differently when we are a part of a group? –The Bystander Effect



34 Chapter 11 - Psychopathology What is normal? Who is abnormal? What are the reasons of mental illnesses? –Genetic? Biological? Or just “psychological”?



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