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Period 1&2: 幻灯片 9-38 页 Unit 4 Wildlife protection.

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2 Period 1&2: 幻灯片 9-38 页 Unit 4 Wildlife protection

3 Are you familiar with the following animals?

4 panda

5 milu deer

6 South China tiger

7 Is it easy to see them now? What do they have in common?  They ________________________. are dying out They are ________________ or ___________ animals. endangered /in danger extinct

8 crocodile

9 rhino

10 Red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤

11 golden monkey

12 Elephant

13 Antelope

14 Amazon parrot

15  小嘴狐猴 (Mouse lemur) : The smallest monkey in the world.

16 穿山甲 pangolin

17 Endangered Koala Bear

18 What problems do they have to face? Why they disappeared or are in danger of disappearing now? Habitat Environment People’s activity Natural enemy Food Climate


20 People kill animals for their fur, which can be made into beautiful and expensive fur coat.

21 People killed the endangered animals simply to satisfy their desire to eat.

22 People didn ’ t protect the nature. They destroyed it wilfully People didn ’ t protect the nature. They destroyed it wilfully.

23 What relationship between people and wildlife should be ? Wildlife is human friends. They can keep the balance of nature and make the whole world colorful. To protect wildlife is to protect ourselves.

24 More and more animals are killed by humans, as a student what should you do to protect the wild animals? Discuss the question in groups.

25 Protect the environment. Help animals return to nature. Never buy endangered animals’ products and tell your friends not to do so too! Never kill endangered animals. What should we do to protect the wildlife?

26 Ways to protect them Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing or hunting them. Eco-system & Environment protection areas are being built. People are educated to be aware of the importance of wildlife protection.

27 Be the Voice of the Wildlife endangered wild animals esp. endangered wild animals

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