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Poppy 2014 - 2015 Presented by: Chairman: Wanda Brandt Committee Members: Edie Porter & Charlotte Bass.

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Presentation on theme: "Poppy 2014 - 2015 Presented by: Chairman: Wanda Brandt Committee Members: Edie Porter & Charlotte Bass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poppy 2014 - 2015 Presented by: Chairman: Wanda Brandt Committee Members: Edie Porter & Charlotte Bass

2 Amended Poppy Resolution There is new criteria for making poppies with preference going to veterans. Poppies can be made commercially as it is more efficient because people are not readily available to make them. Poppy funds now can be used to benefit both veterans and active military and their families.

3 Poppy Distribution Poppies are usually distributed twice a year, May and November. It is possible to have different dates but only with written permission from our Department President

4 Department Awards Poppy Poster Contest: Units shall sponsor contests in local schools. Other youth groups (Girl/Boy Scouts, YMCA and Girls/Boys Club) See the Unit Guide and follow detailed instruction.

5 National Awards 1. Poppy Poster Contest and 2. Miss Poppy Contest Please see the Plan of Action and follow detailed instruction.

6 Miss Poppy

7 Corsage Design a Poppy Corsage, so that our Department Officers can wear them at Department Convention

8 Judging and Awards Miss Poppy will be judged by their District, based on their Activities within the community. Poppy Corsages will be judged by ticket counts at Convention. Please see the Plan of Action guidelines

9 Let’s have a great year !! This year there is a mid-year report that will need to completed. Besides the year end report. Let’s have fun and bring back our Miss Poppy and Let’s light the way for our Veterans and let them know that we have Not Forgotten.

10 A Poppy is to Remember

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