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B ASIC S KILLS W ORKSHOP, F EBRUARY 16, 2016 Wendy Smith Professor of English Curriculum Development Specialist San Diego Mesa College Corequisite Remediation.

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Presentation on theme: "B ASIC S KILLS W ORKSHOP, F EBRUARY 16, 2016 Wendy Smith Professor of English Curriculum Development Specialist San Diego Mesa College Corequisite Remediation."— Presentation transcript:

1 B ASIC S KILLS W ORKSHOP, F EBRUARY 16, 2016 Wendy Smith Professor of English Curriculum Development Specialist San Diego Mesa College Corequisite Remediation at San Diego Mesa College

2 T HE C ALIFORNIA A CCELERATION P ROJECT CAP supports colleges to increase student completion of transfer-level English and math through evidence-based practices that reduce or eliminate students’ time in remediation. High-Leverage Practices: Transforming placement policies to broaden access to transfer-level courses and enable all students to begin higher in the sequence Contextualizing math remediation to students’ program of study -- algebra for math-intensive pathways, statistics & quantitative reasoning for others Redesigning curricula to accelerate students through remediation, including co-requisite models at the transfer-level and single- semester remedial courses aligned with the transfer-level courses in students’ program of study

3 RFA O BJECTIVE #2 Increase the placement of students directly in gateway English and mathematics courses that are transferable to the University of California or the California State University and career pathways, with remedial instruction integrated as appropriate for underprepared students.

4 A PPLICATION I NSTRUCTIONS a) Description of the problem that this proposed program will be addressing and the evidence based basic skills principles and practices that will be used.


6 A P ROBLEMATIC P ATHWAY D ESIGN “Curricular Redesign and Gatekeeper Completion: A Multi-College Evaluation of the California Acceleration Project” (Data from Basic Skills Cohort Tracker)

7 P ROBLEMS : T O S UM U P Inequity in assessment Inequity in placement Obstacles for historically underserved students The impact of the basic skills pathway Solutions Change assessment and placement practices Offer high-impact accelerated courses Offer co-requisite courses

8 A PPLICATION I NSTRUCTIONS b) Description of the college and district, including demographics, regional characteristics, enrollment data, and experience working with Basic Skills students in the implementation of the Basic Skills Initiative over the last five years.



11 A PPLICATION I NSTRUCTIONS : C Evaluation of the college’s efforts ; resources, and support in addressing the needs of basic skills students using Basic Skills Initiative and other programs funds where applicable for the proposed instructional programs.

12 E NGLISH 31 + E NGLISH 101 = 101X

13 P ERCENTAGE OF S TUDENTS WHO MAKE IT THROUGH THE PATHWAY Enrolled in English 43 Completed English 43 Enrolled in English 49 Completed English 49 Enrolled in English 101/105 Completed English 101/105 Source: CCCCO Basic Skills Cohort Tracker, Fall 2010 –Fall 2012 cohorts; students tracked for 3 primary terms after their initial course enrollment

14 Enrolled in English 47A Completed English 47A Enrolled in English 101/105 Completed English 101/105 P ERCENTAGE OF S TUDENTS WHO MAKE IT THROUGH THE PATHWAY Source: CCCCO Basic Skills Cohort Tracker, Fall 2010 –Fall 2012 cohorts; students tracked for 3 primary terms after their initial course enrollment


16 W HY A C O -R EQUISITE M ODEL ? “With co-requisite remediation…students can enroll directly into college-level courses and receive academic support alongside their regular classes.” (Bethke). They have been producing dramatic gains in completion of college-level courses (adopted system-wide in Tennessee, Colorado, Indiana, Virginia). (CAP) Equity gaps for African-American and Hispanic students narrowed or disappeared completely. (CAP)


18 E QUITY I MPLICATIONS FOR OUR C URRENT O NE -B ELOW A CCELERATED COURSE Completion rates are greater for accelerated students than comparison groups across all ethnicities. Since we know that Latino and African-American students are generally more likely to enroll in accelerated English than other students, we know we’re doing a good job of getting them into the accelerated pipeline. Assuming our course mirrors statewide trends, we are improving overall transfer English completion rates for these groups Source: Bri Hays, San Diego Mesa College Campus-Based Researcher

19 I N O NE S ENTENCE : If you think you can catch the bus, you will run for it.” Lee Peng Yee, Mathematician from the Singapore Institute of Education From Hetts, John “Let Icarus Fly,” 2015

20 END

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