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Published byArthur Booker Modified over 9 years ago
WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT It has been established to set technical infrastructure that will manage water resources quality and provide basis for decisions. There are 5 branch managers as: – Sensitive Areas Branch Manager – Surface Water Quality Branch Manager – Groundwater Quality Branch Manager – Water Treatment Branch Manager – Lakes and Wetlands Areas Branch Manager 3
TASKS OF WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT To determine the principles and objectives on protection of water resources quality and quantity, To do suggestions about the best appropriate usage of these resources in view of quality and quantity, To make decisions about quality class according to receiving environment characteristics, To determine the possible biological, chemical and hydromorphological effects of sectoral activities on water resources,
TASKS OF WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT To prepare plans for the reduction of pollution caused that accepted as priority hazardous substances and pollution caused by other pollutants, To form policies and environmental objectives by setting drinking water areas, sensitive areas and nitrate vulnerable zones, To study on the determination of environmental quality standards for spesific pollutants, To reveal environmental objectives including general chemical, physico-chemical, biological and hyrdomorphological quality elements.
6 FACTORS AFFECTING QUALITY OF WATER RESOURCES IN TURKEY Causes of deterioration in the quality of water resources Industrialization, mining activities Unplanned urbanization Agricultural activities Livestock activities
COMPLETED ACTIVITIES 7 NoCompleted ActivitiesTheir Outputs 1Water Quality Strategy Paper and Action Plan (2014-2023) Planning technical, legal and institutional national instruments to determination, remediation and improvement of water quality across the country 2Projects about Wastewater and Drinking Water Treatment Plants Guidebook on basic principles and norms related with construction, design and planning of waste water treatment plants Guidebook on design and operation principles of drinking water treatment plants Guidebook on DIN, TSE, BS, ASTM norms for drinking water treatment plants 3National Project on the Control of Pollution Caused by Hazardous Substances Having a Risk for Inland Waters The hazardous substances that may be present in inland waters were identified The maximum allowable concentrations (environmental quality standards) of these substances in the receiving bodies were determined. 4Project on the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Methodology for the development of TMDL was adopted to Turkey. TMDL study was employed on the pilot region, Nilüfer River, in terms of COD, TN, TP and metals.
Control Of Pollution Caused By Dangerous Substances (Inland Waters) A national project on the control of pollution caused by hazardous substances having a risk for inland waters was completed. With the project, the hazardous substances that may be present in water were identified and the maximum allowable concentrations (environmental quality standards) of these substances in the receiving bodies were determined. 8
Project on the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) -Pilot Area: Nilüfer River -Methodology for the development of TMDL was adopted to Turkey. -TMDL study was employed on the pilot region in terms of COD, TN, TP and metals. 9
PROJECT ON THE DETERMINATION OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN COASTAL AND TRANSITIONAL WATERS With the project, Hazardous substances in industrial and urban wastewaters discharged to coastal and transitional water areas were determined. Hazardous substances were monitored with 2 months period during one year. Environmental quality standards (EQS) and corresponding discharge standards were developed on national basis for the hazardous substances already present or having a risk of presence in our coastal and transitional waters. 10
PROJECT ON THE DETERMINATION OF THE WATER POLLUTION CAUSED BY USE OF PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS Pilot basins: Seyhan-Ceyhan, Büyük Menderes and Fırat Dicle Basins. Pilot provinces: Amasya, Manisa, Sakarya Inventories of active substances of Plant Protection Products used in areas of extensive agricultural activities were determined. Pesticides were monitored at receiving bodies with 2 months periods during 1 year. Prioritization of draft active substances were done. Environmental quality standards for these active substances were determined. 11
PROJECTS ABOUT WASTE WATER AND DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANTS Basic principles and norms related with construction, design and planning of waste water treatment plants were determined by a guidebook Guidebook on design and operation principles of drinking water treatment plants was prepared by means of a project. By this project DIN, TSE, BS, ASTM norms for drinking water treatment plants were determined and a guidebook was prepared.. 12
NoOngoing Projects 1Project on the Determination of Sensitive Areas and Water Quality Objectives on the Basis of Watershed in Turkey (2012-2016) 4Project on Development of the Methodology for the Determination of Environmental Objectives for Surface, Coastal and Transitional Waters: Great Menderes River Basin Pilot Study 5Capacity Building Support to Turkey on Groundwater Management -ESEI 2012 Programme 6IPA Project on Technical Assistance for Development of an appropriate Methodology for Drinking Water Treatment 7Project On The Determination Of Alarm Levels And Limit Of Cyanobacteria For The Development Of Intervention And Control Methods In Surface And Coastal Waters Used For Bathing and Recreational Purposes ONGOING PROJECTS
PROJECT ON THE DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OBJECTIVES -Project on Development of the Methodology for the Determination of Environmental Objectives for Surface, Coastal and Transitional Waters: Great Menderes River Basin Pilot Study” has been initiated on December 2013 within the scope of TUBITAK-KAMAG 1007 Program. -Within the scope of the project, pressures and impacts will be determined on a pilot basin and monitoring will be handlen on 1 year period in terms of physo- chemical, biological and chemical quality parameters. At the end, environmental quality objectives will be designated accordingly. -The same methodology which can be implemented to the other 24 basins will also be determined. 14
CAPACITY BUILDING SUPPORT TO TURKEY ON GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT A project has been submitted to European Union ESEI 2012 Program and pre-acceptance of project has been done A national project on Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Quantity and Determination of Objectives in order to Reach Good Groundwater Status: Great Menderes River Basin Pilot Study” will start in the year of 2013 within the scope of TUBITAK-KAMAG 1007 Program. 15
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN APPROPRIATE METHODOLOGY FOR DRINKING WATER TREATMENT The project will be performed in the extent of IPA, in order to develop efficient and sustainable options and alternatives for drinking water treatment plant investments considering the quantity and quality of the water. 16
WORKS ON WATER TREATMENT ARE ONGOING By regular monitoring of drinking water sources, revision of legislation for the determination of the quality categories and treatment classes is being done. Works on inventory of water treatment plants in Turkey and determination the needs of revision are ongoing Design principles and project norms related to wastewater treatment plants are being determined Works on determining the institutions and organizations authorized to approve projects on wastewater treatment plant will be initiated 17
Project On The Determination Of Alarm Levels And Limit Of Cyanobacteria 18 The objective of the Project is to protect human and environmental health from the toxic effects of cyanobacteria. After selection of pilot areas from each different type of all potential surface water resources including coastal waters used for bathing and recreational purposes in which cyanobacterial reproduction occurs, alarm levels and limits of Cyanobacteria for the development of intervention and control methods, methods including steps to struggle cyanobacteria will be determined guidance values for cyanobacteria will be developed for these areas.
Sensitive Water Area Eutrophic Possible to become eutrophic Sensitive Area? natural fresh water lakes, other fresh water sources, estuaries and coastal waters, fresh surface waters intended to supply drinking water and can contain high nitrate concentrations in case of the measures not taken areas requiring further treatment natural fresh water lakes, other fresh water sources, estuaries and coastal waters, fresh surface waters intended to supply drinking water and can contain high nitrate concentrations in case of the measures not taken areas requiring further treatment
SCOPE OF THE PROJECT Determination of Water Bodies in Surface Waters Determination of Pressure and Effects (pollution loads) (BOD,COD,SS,TN,TP, NO3,PO4) Determination of Potential Sensitive Areas (pressures-effects, current monitoring data, expert opinion) Monitoring in Potential Sensitive Areas (DO, pH, T, TN, TP, TOK, PO4, NO3, NH4, sechhi disc, chlorophyll-a, SS, biological parameters) Determination of Final Sensitive Areas (with monitoring data) Determination of reference water bodies and water quality objectives for sensitive water bodies Modelling activity for a total of 10 ea. Sensitive Areas selected from 4 Zones (monthly monitoring for model verification), generation of scenarios, performing AAT planning Determination of C, N, P assimilative capacities, with empirical expressions in the literature, in lakes and dam lakes Preparation of legislation, preparation of guiding document, preparation of measures program/action plan, integration of works performed to the water quality database of the Ministry Determination of the measures to be taken for all water bodies including waste water infrastructures, planning and revisions in line with the water quality objectives
Basins - Number of Water Bodies Basin NameRiverLakeTotal Akarçay 291140 Antalya 542074 Aras 481664 Asi 33740 Western Mediterranean 532376 Western Black Sea 672289 Burdur 151126 B.MENDERES 7848126 Ceyhan 8022102 Çoruh 321345 Eastern Mediterranean 671178 Eastern Black Sea 52658 Fırat-Dicle 22862290 Basin NameRiverLakeTotal Gediz 851196 Kızılırmak 10971180 Konya 573491 Northern Aegean 341145 K.Menderes 361046 Marmara 16640206 Meriç-Ergene 7837115 Sakarya 15558213 Seyhan 611879 Susurluk 10737144 Van 211738 Yeşilırmak 6940109 TOTAL 1814656 2470
Basins - Number of Typologies Basin NameRiverLakeTotal Akarçay 11617 Antalya 21627 Aras 10313 Asi 14519 Western Mediterranean 191029 Western Black Sea 13821 Burdur 7411 B.MENDERES 171027 Ceyhan 221234 Çoruh 8513 Eastern Mediterranean 22830 Eastern Black Sea 12416 Fırat-Dicle 301343 Basin NameRiverLakeTotal Gediz 9413 Kızılırmak 151328 Konya 221133 Northern Aegean 8311 K.Menderes 9413 Marmara 6511 Meriç-Ergene 437 Sakarya 241135 Seyhan 22830 Susurluk 16825 Van 448 Yeşilırmak 14822 TOTAL 359176535
SA/PSA Status for Rivers Name of BasinNumber of river water bodySAPSA Akarçay29137 Antalya542718 Aras48168 Asi33913 Batı Akdeniz531715 Batı Karadeniz67512 Burdur1593 Büyük Menderes782324 Ceyhan802128 Çoruh3226 Doğu Akdeniz673816 Doğu Karadeniz521119 Fırat-Dicle22888100 Gediz852322 Kızılırmak1092241 Konya Kapalı57438 Kuzey Ege341114 Küçük Menderes361210 Marmara16612113 Meriç-Ergene782724 Sakarya1554849 Seyhan612519 Susurluk1073041 Van Gölü2176 Yeşilırmak691526 Total1814663542
SA/PSA Status for Lakes Name of BasinNumber of lake water bodySAPSAGA-1GA-2 Akarçay116012 Antalya2012212 Aras1611401 Asi76000 Batı Akdeniz2313422 Batı Karadeniz2215321 Burdur116102 Büyük Menderes49262103 Ceyhan2215411 Çoruh1311100 Doğu Akdeniz1110010 Doğu Karadeniz66000 Fırat-Dicle6137994 Gediz116104 Kızılırmak7146848 Konya Kapalı3422321 Kuzey Ege117301 Küçük Menderes109100 Marmara4032322 Meriç-Ergene3720255 Sakarya5834972 Seyhan1815100 Susurluk3721182 Van Gölü1711310 Yeşilırmak4023832 Total656420735945
Determination of the Final Sensitive Area RIVER WATER BODIES Physico-Chemical Properties Biological Monitoring Results macro-invertebrates BMWP (Biological Monitoring Working Party ) I ve II= NORMAL AREA III, IV ve V = SENSITIVE AREA ASPT (Average Score Per Taxon ) Margalef Diversity Index BMWPBMWP- ASPTASPT
LAKE WATER BODIES Physico-Chemical Properties-Trophic Levels-Trophic Levels Biological Monitoring Results Phytoplankton Identification of phytoplankton species Abundance (number/ml) Total biovolume Biovolume of Cyanobacteria Ecological Quality According To T otal Biovolume of Phytoplankton Biovolume of Cyanobacteria > 1 mm 3 /L = SA Macrophytes The maximum depth of colonization (Zc) Determination of Sensitive species/ tolerant species Good Ecological Quality Zc > 5 m Deep lakes, 3.4 m shallow lakes Sensitive species / tolerant species < 50 % =SA Expert Opinion Poikane, 2009Sondergaard vd., 2005; Determination of the Final Sensitive Area
29 LEGISLATION STUDIES NoLegislationO.G. Date/No 1By-law on the Protection of Groundwater Against Pollution and Deterioration 07.04.2012/28257 2By-law on the Surface Waters that are used or Intended to be Used as Drinking Water 29.07.2012/28187 3By-law on Surface Water Quality Management30.11.2012/28483 4By-law on the Protection and Rehabilitation of Waters in which Salmon and Cyprinidae Lives 12.01.2014/28880 5Communique on protection of stagnant inland waters against eutrophication 28.02.2014/28925
By prepared legislations and planned works, protection quality and quantity of surface waters, groundwater, coastal and transitional waters, their improvement and ensuring sustainable use of water by reaching good status is targeted. 30 OUR GOALS
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