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Prioritization. 128 KBAs were divided into four (4) priority levels/tiers Data used: (no population data available for most species)  extent of occurrence/area.

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Presentation on theme: "Prioritization. 128 KBAs were divided into four (4) priority levels/tiers Data used: (no population data available for most species)  extent of occurrence/area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prioritization

2 128 KBAs were divided into four (4) priority levels/tiers Data used: (no population data available for most species)  extent of occurrence/area of occupancy  threat level of species Criteria used focused on species vulnerability and site irreplaceability

3 Priority Level 1 Criteria 1. All KBAs with CR/EN species that are single–site endemics Rationale Extremely high irreplaceability of theses sites means that their loss would most likely result in the global extinction of one species with extremely high vulnerability (CR and EN species) making these sites top priority for conservation implementation in order to prevent imminent species extinctions. Majority of the KBAs that falls under this priority level has been identified previously as AZE sites. The KBAs that are not yet included in the list of the AZE sites are recommend for inclusion in the list. This includes Lake Lanao, Southwestern Negros and Central Panay. 12

4 Priority Level 2 Criteria 1. All KBAs with CR species that are known to occur in three islands or less (with extent of occurrence < 20,000.00 sq. km.) 2. All KBAs with EN endemic species that are known to occur in two islands or less (with extent of occurrence < 20,000.00 sq. km.) 3. All KBAs with VU species that are single -site endemics Rationale These are sites that holds fraction of species with extremely high vulnerability (CR and EN) and are at the same time highly irreplaceable. Occurrence in just a few sites is proof of high irreplaceability irrespective of the fraction of the global population at each site. Included also are the sites of extremely high irreplaceability for the conservation of VU. 43

5 Priority Level 3 Criteria 1. All other KBAs with CR/EN species 2. All other KBAs with VU species that are single-island endemics (with extent of occurrence < 20,000.00 sq. km.) Rationale These are sites that are globally the best sites for the conservation of CR and EN species, this is to ensure that at this priority level all the extremely high vulnerable species receive conservation attention at least somewhere. Also follows the criteria followed for VU species under priority level 2, with sites having progressively lower value of irreplaceability and/or species based vulnerability at this level. 54

6 Priority Level 4 Criteria 1. All other KBAs with VU species 2. All other KBAs with non-threatened single locality endemics Rationale These are sites that are globally the best sites for the conservation VU, this is to ensure that at this priority level all the VU species receive conservation attention at least somewhere. Also ensures that all sites that have extremely high irrepleaceability with low species-based vulnerability are included. 19

7 Priority # of KBAs Level 1 12 2 43 3 54 4 19

8 KBA overlap with PAs KBA with intervention KBA without intervention

9 ISSUES: no socio-econ criteria differs from the results of the prioritization of previous priority- setting initiatives incomplete data on species distribution IUCN vs National Red List (threat levels)

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