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Deflation By the end of this session, you:

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1 Deflation By the end of this session, you:
Must know the economic costs of deflation. Should understand the challenge facing the UK economy regarding inflation/deflation. Could be able to answer a practice examination question on inflation and gain full marks.


3 Economic Costs of Deflation
Holding back on spending Debts increase The real cost of borrowing increases Lower profit margins Confidence and saving

4 Types of Deflation Benign deflation Malevolent deflation

5 Monetary Policy to Reduce the Risk of Deflation
Cut interest rates to stimulate demand May save instead Falling asset prices would increase the demand for cash savings Limited effect because interest rates cannot fall below zero Monetise the economy to avoid the liquidity trap

6 Fiscal Policy to Reduce the Risk of Deflation
Higher government spending and lower direct taxes to boost AD Increase in national debt for a short-term boost Low consumer and business confidence Inflationary pressure if the economy recovers Extra income may be used to repay debt rather than boost AD

7 Inflation What do the following mean? M x V = P x T Menu costs
Shoe-leather costs Fiscal drag Hyperinflation

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