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Civil War: Robust Vocabulary. Sentence: People throughout the North supported the abolition of slavery in the South. Definition: The abolition of something.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War: Robust Vocabulary. Sentence: People throughout the North supported the abolition of slavery in the South. Definition: The abolition of something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War: Robust Vocabulary

2 Sentence: People throughout the North supported the abolition of slavery in the South. Definition: The abolition of something such as a system or practice is its formal ending Teachers support the abolition of silly bandz in schools. Abolition

3 What might a doctor, police officer, or football player want to abolish?

4 Sentence: American industry suffers without investment in research. Definition: Industry is the work and processes involved in collecting raw materials, and making them into products in factories. Many young children worked in industry in the mid-1800s. Industry

5 Agriculture Sentence: The Ukraine is strong both in industry and agriculture. Definition: Agriculture is farming and the methods that are used to raise and look after crops and animals. The Southern economy depended on Agriculture to make money.

6 Agriculture Think of words that describe industry & agriculture Industry Agriculture |---------------------------------------------------------------------|

7 Secede Sentence: Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent state. Definition: If a region or group secedes from the country to which it belongs, it officially becomes a separate country or stops being a member of the larger group The south seceded from the Union after the election of 1860

8 Secede List three reasons part of a country might secede.

9 Artillery Sentence: Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town. Definition: Artillery consists of large, powerful guns which are transported on wheels and used by an army. The Army used heavy artillery in defense of Fort Sumter.

10 Artillery Think of weapons that are smaller than and greater than artillery.

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