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DBMS RESEARCH Are We On The Right Tracks? Jim Gray Microsoft Research

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1 DBMS RESEARCH Are We On The Right Tracks? Jim Gray Microsoft Research

2 On the Right Track? Yes & No Yes –Multi-Billion dollar industry –How can you argue with success? No –The web is where the action is –Functionality over performance –Knowledge-Discovery folks starting own community –Few contributions to text speech image time spatial scientific / statistical –Ignored (reinvented) objects, languages, OSs, Web,...

3 What Is Our Mission? Manage Data: AUTOMATICALLY –ingest, –store, –analyze, –retrieve, –display Good News: We own the patent on the byte (MOD) Bad News: We do not own the patent on the algorithm. They are inseparable Program = Procedure + Data

4 It’s all about Changing Ratios Some things not changing much –cost of people’s time –speed of light –device access times Some things changing a lot –1,000x bandwidth –everyone/everything connected always. –100x storage capacity –10x processor speed –100x cheaper devices –100x less power In 10 years things will be VERY different Kilo 10 3 Mega 10 6 Giga 10 9 Tera10 12 Peta10 15 Exa10 18 Zeta10 21 Yotta 10 24

5 Freight Trains Coming Our Way XML –It has a good chance of replacing SQL. –They are ignoring us. Database Machines –Patterson talk, CMU,… Knowledge discovery (not just count, sum, min,…) Object-Oriented (its finally happening) Domain-specific Databases –Text, image, temporal, spatial,...

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