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Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher of the 18th century once wrote that, "Human ignorance is not caused by the lack of intelligence but from the lack of.

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Presentation on theme: "Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher of the 18th century once wrote that, "Human ignorance is not caused by the lack of intelligence but from the lack of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher of the 18th century once wrote that, "Human ignorance is not caused by the lack of intelligence but from the lack of determination and courage to use that intelligence without another's guidance." What did Kant mean by this? Have you ever noticed what Kant said in your everyday life? Explain.

2 What is your Science IQ?

3 Which object is at the center of the solar system? What is the process by which plants use the energy of light to make food? What is the smallest unit of an animal that can still perform all life functions? Which blood cells carry oxygen in the blood? (red or white) Which blood cells protect the body against bacteria and viruses? (red or white) What is the largest organ of the body? What is the longest bone in the body? What is the largest animal? In a vacuum (an area absent of air), which would fall faster a hammer or a feather? What is the fastest land animal? How many bones does a shark have? How many bones in the human body?

4 Which object is at the center of the solar system? SUN What is the process by which plants use the energy of light to make food? PHOTOSYNTHESIS What is the smallest unit of an animal that can still perform all life functions? CELLS Which blood cells carry oxygen in the blood? RED Which blood cells protect the body against bacteria and viruses? WHITE What is the largest organ of the body? SKIN What is the longest bone in the body? FEMUR What is the largest animal? BLUE WHALE In a vacuum (an area absent of air), which would fall faster a hammer or a feather? FALL AT SAME RATE What is the fastest land animal? CHEETAH How many bones does a shark have? NONE How many bones in the human body? 206

5 The Enlightenment

6 What was the Enlightenment? The Enlightenment was an eighteenth- century intellectual movement whose followers believed that human beings could apply a critical, reasoning spirit to every problem.

7 Where did it come from? The Enlightenment had its roots in what was known as the Scientific Revolution of the 1500’s and 1600’s. The Scientific Revolution represented a secular (non-religious), scientific method of determining the laws of nature.

8 What was the Scientific Revolution? Radical change in thinking about the natural world based on questioning and observations.

9 Inventions that led to new discoveries in science. Telescope: Galileo Microscope: Anton Leeuwenhoek Thermometer: Gabriel Fahrenheit and Anders Celsius Barometer: Evangelista Torricelli

10 What was the center of the Universe?

11 Middle Ages View Geocentric Theory: Earth Centered Theory Church and bible approved

12 Scientific Revolution View Heliocentric Theory: Sun centered theory Theory proposed by Copernicus, supported by Galileo and Kepler Angered church

13 How do planets move?

14 Middle Ages View Planets move in Perfect circles. Planets move the same speed no matter where they are in relation to the sun.

15 Scientific Revolution View Planets move in elliptical orbits. Planets move faster closer to sun. How quick planets move around the sun depends on their distance from sun. Keplerian Theory

16 What methods of discovery did they have?

17 Middle Ages View Relied on Ancient Greek and Romans Relied on the word of the Bible

18 Scientific Revolution View Scientific Method 1.State Question 2.Form Hypothesis (guess) 3.Experiment 4.Look at data and form conclusion.

19 Which falls faster; heavy or light objects?

20 Middle Ages View Thought heavy objects fell faster than lighter objects.

21 Scientific Revolution Views Galileo discovered objects fall at the same speed. Sir Isaac Newton later explained why with his laws of motion and universal gravity.

22 But why does a feather fall slower than a hammer? Because of wind resistance. If there was no air, objects would fall at a constant speed.

23 What did they know about human anatomy?

24 Middle Ages View Thought human anatomy was the same as animals such as pigs, sheep, goats, and apes. Knowledge from Ancient Greek Physician Galen, who only dissected animals.

25 Scientific Revolution View Vesalius showed human anatomy was different than animals’ anatomy. His book, On the Fabric of the Human Body, illustrated the body.

26 How did blood flow through the body?

27 Middle Ages View Thought blood flowed from the liver. *Actually, the liver is the largest internal organ of the human body. It produces bile for digestion.

28 Scientific Revolution View English doctor William Harvey, showed blood flowed through the heart since it was a pump that circulated blood through the body.

29 What were the planet’s made of?

30 Middle Ages View Thought the earth was made of impure materials. Thought the moon and the stars were made of pure, eternal substances that were smooth and perfect No they did not believe the moon was made of Cheese. That was only you!

31 Scientific Revolution Views With the use of the telescope astronomers found the sun has dark spots and the moon’s surface is rough and uneven.

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