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Neptune By: Xavier Chambers Core:D. Neptune’s Description  Its atmosphere is made of Hydrogen, Helium, and small amounts Methane. It also has wispy white.

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Presentation on theme: "Neptune By: Xavier Chambers Core:D. Neptune’s Description  Its atmosphere is made of Hydrogen, Helium, and small amounts Methane. It also has wispy white."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neptune By: Xavier Chambers Core:D

2 Neptune’s Description  Its atmosphere is made of Hydrogen, Helium, and small amounts Methane. It also has wispy white clouds of methane  The core is rocky icy and is the size  It is a gas giant  The average temperature of Neptune is 73K (-200 C)  Its diameter is 49,532km on the equator

3 Neptune's distance  Neptune's distance from the sun is 4,504,000,000km (30.06AU) from the sun

4 Some interesting facts  It is the roman God of the sea  Its winds are the fastest in the solar system 700mph

5 For more information 

6 Neptune's size and orbit  Its diameter is 49,532km on the equator  A day on Neptune is 16hrs. 6mins 36sec  It takes 164.8 earth years to make a full revolution around the sun

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