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SEA Capacity Building at the World Bank Fernando Loayza Sr. SEA Specialist IAIA 27 th Annual Conference Seoul, Korea 3 - 9 June 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "SEA Capacity Building at the World Bank Fernando Loayza Sr. SEA Specialist IAIA 27 th Annual Conference Seoul, Korea 3 - 9 June 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEA Capacity Building at the World Bank Fernando Loayza Sr. SEA Specialist IAIA 27 th Annual Conference Seoul, Korea 3 - 9 June 2007

2  Introduction  Pilot Program on institutions- centered SEA  SEA Toolkit  Training sessions  Conclusion Structure

3 SEA Pilot Program

4 Background  Bank’s Environment Strategy & OP/BP 8.60  ESW: Policy-based SEA (2005)  Policy is not a rational linear process  Impacts vs. transmission mechanisms  Key factors: political economy, institutions and governance  The OECD DAC Guidance calls for harmonization but also for knowledge development

5 Objectives  Assist in the implementation of the Bank’s environment strategy and OP/BP 8.60  Promote learning, develop methods and techniques and test processes for institutions-centered SEA

6 Components  Grants: pilots in selected sectors, countries and regions  Analytical Work: methods and processes for effective I-SEA

7 Eligibility - Grants  Potential to influence policy-based or strategic program and plan loans  Fully integrated into Bank’s projects  Regional task managers lead SEAs  Use methods and approaches considered in the Bank’s analytical work and the OECD DAC Guidance

8 Analytical component  Draw lessons to test and refine existing approaches to I-SEA  Partner: SIDA’s SEA Help Desk (EEU – University of Gothenburg)

9 Pilot SEAs (I)  1 pilot completed :  Kenya Forest SEA  3 pilots in implementation :  Sierra Leone Mining SESA  Dhaka Urban Development Plans SEA  Hubei-China Road Transport Plans SEA

10 Pilot SEAs (II)  2 pilots in preparation:  Pakistan National Trade Corridor SEPSA  Pakistan Mining SESA  1 pilot in identification:  West Africa Minerals Sector SA (regional – multicountry SEA)

11 Expected outcomes  7 – 9 completed SEAs  A book  Analytical reports and ESNs  Training materials  Workshop on Policy SEA  Enhanced capacity for SEA in the Bank and client countries

12 Duration and budget  Four years: FY06 – FY09  Pilot SEAs completed by the end of 2008  Budget: US$ 2.5 million (excluding Bank budget)

13 SEA toolkit

14 Objective  Support task managers and environmental and sector specialists to prepare and implement SEAs  When an SEA should be used?  Which type of SEA is appropriate?  What are the key elements in formulating effective SEAs?  Provide good practices or examples for designing and implementing SEAs

15 Content  Basic information (concepts and approaches)  More than 40 links to relevant SEA websites  12 workshops and 11 publications at the World Bank  Sector specific documents and links  21sectors  20 handbooks, manuals and guidelines  More than 120 SEA reports and summaries  Tools  6 sample ToRs (5 on I-SEA)  23 analytical, descriptive and participatory techniques The World Bank SEA Toolkit is an SEA library at your fingertips.

16 What’s new  Section on tools which includes  Sample Terms of Reference, and  Analytical and participatory SEA tools  New layout to ease surfing  Menu boxes were added on the right side

17 Training sessions

18 Training  At least two training sessions are conducted per year:  Sector weeks: water, energy, transport, forestry  5 hours sessions comprising three modules (basic concepts, case studies, hands-on exercise)  Results:  Around 100 bank personal (task managers, sector and environmental specialists) and consultants have been trained  Training material available in the Bank’s sea website

19  SEA capacity building in the Bank is supported on two pillars  Knowledge generation through the pilot program on institutions-centered SEA  Knowledge dissemination through the web based toolkit, training sessions and cross-support  Initial results near 2 years of implementation  Mining is embracing SEA for sector structural reform  Pilots with high potential in urban development planning and large and complex transport programs  More than 1500 visitors to the SEA toolkit Conclusion

20 Thanks for your attention

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