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Presentation to Agri-ProFocus workshop 5 October 2009 Bill Kalaluka.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Agri-ProFocus workshop 5 October 2009 Bill Kalaluka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Agri-ProFocus workshop 5 October 2009 Bill Kalaluka

2 Producer level Estimated 55,000 bee-keepers, of which around 1/4 are organized in area associations or via out grower schemes Estimated 55,000 bee-keepers, of which around 1/4 are organized in area associations or via out grower schemes Important source of income for rural households Important source of income for rural households Modern top-bar hive production receives much attention from donors without focus on need for elaborate training and continuous management Modern top-bar hive production receives much attention from donors without focus on need for elaborate training and continuous management 90%+ bark hives 90%+ bark hives Limited local/village market – Limited local/village market – “honey beer brewers”, 500ml cups & barter Disorganised districts, Access to markets guaranteed via ZNFU4455 market info service The Zambian Honey Sector

3 Packers level 16 registered packers in Zambia. Majority of packers are small and buy from bulking centres. Only two packers are exporting (dep. on exch. rate ZMK/USD). Lots of small informal traders. 16 registered packers in Zambia. Majority of packers are small and buy from bulking centres. Only two packers are exporting (dep. on exch. rate ZMK/USD). Lots of small informal traders. Information on availability of honey in bulking centres Information on availability of honey in bulking centres Retail level Purchase locally produced honey with quality assurance mark. Good relationship with ZHC Purchase locally produced honey with quality assurance mark. Good relationship with ZHC Supply not yet consistent (Demand > Supply) Supply not yet consistent (Demand > Supply) Packaged honey is being imported ( reducing ) Packaged honey is being imported ( reducing ) Consumer level Limited consumer awareness of benefits of bee-products Limited consumer awareness of benefits of bee-products Crystallisation of honey and leakage of packaging materials Crystallisation of honey and leakage of packaging materials The Zambian Honey Sector

4 CONSTRAINTS Poor quality honey produced (storage and moisture content) Poor quality honey produced (storage and moisture content) Buckets (sealing, traceability) Buckets (sealing, traceability) Further strengthening management capacity of area associations Further strengthening management capacity of area associations Fragmentation of the sector in areas without out grower schemes and ZHC area associations. Fragmentation of the sector in areas without out grower schemes and ZHC area associations. Poor infrastructure & costly transport Poor infrastructure & costly transport Lack of access to affordable credit Lack of access to affordable credit for packers to invest in transport & processing machines Poor packaging materials Poor packaging materials

5 Dynamic and quick growing association founded in 2003 Dynamic and quick growing association founded in 2003 Membership Membership - Packers /Traders (11) - District-based associations bee-keepers (6500 paid up) Role of ZHC - Promote the interests and lobby on behalf of the stakeholders in the Zambian Bee Products Sector - Help to put more money in the pockets of bee-keepers, traders and packers Zambia Honey Council

6 Organised 6,500 bee-keepers into productive & sustainable groups producing quality honey. To quadruple in next 2 years Introduces home/regional market product specifications. Develops best practices- field standards for bark-hive production Promotes the use of best practices- field standards Promotes the use of bulking centres (form bulking centres (14 so far in 4 district), provided them with bulking management skills and basic equipment. Another 50 are planned. Honey available on the ZNFU4455 Market Information Service Introduced & promotes a quality standard Encourages donor-funded agencies other stakeholders to adopt ZHC modules that are market conform and demand driven Lobby on behalf of the industry Zambia Honey Council

7 ZHC Interventions along the chain Engaged district field officers Organized Training of Trainers (TOT), for honey producers training (field standards) Facilitated formation of bulking centers & provided basic materials for them (and provided training management of the centres.) SMS price information service Area associations District Associations Bulking centers Honey packers Retail shops Health shops Honey producers Honey producers Consumer Quality label Promote honey Promote products of accredited packers Lobby for the interests of honey producers, processors and traders

8 THANK YOU Zambia Honey Council

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