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Presentation on theme: " IUAV Corso di perfezionamento in tutela e gestione del suolo e delle acque Venezia 13 Aprile 2012 The Environmental Impact assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 IUAV Corso di perfezionamento in tutela e gestione del suolo e delle acque Venezia 13 Aprile 2012 The Environmental Impact assessment in the urban planning: the prevention of the hydraulic hazard, the Hydraulic Compatibility Assessment Ing. Alessandro Pattaro

2 1 The Hydraulic Compatibility Assessment in Veneto Development plan presentation 2 Hydraulic Compatibility Assessment of Meolos PAT 3 Hydraulic Compatibility Assessment of Maseradas PAT

3 1 in Veneto (VCI di PAT, PI, Piani attuativi) The Hydraulic Compatibility Assessment

4 Legal context of the Hydraulic Compatibility Through the DGRV 3637/02 the Veneto Region requires that the planning is subjected to Hydraulic compatibility assessment. Article 3, LR 11/2004 Rules for the Government of the territory (known as new urbanism law) 4. The planning includes: a) plan land use district (PAT), plan of action by municipalities (IP), implementing urban development plans (PUA); b) Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan (PTCP);

5 Objectives of the Hydraulic Compatibility The adoption of new planning projects is subjected to compliance with the opinion expressed by the competent hydraulic authorities, identified by the Veneto Region in the unit of the Regional Civil Engineers. The VCI hydraulic calculations aim to define the design interventions that have compensatory function to ensure the hydraulic invariance. The principle of invariance is defined: hydraulic invariance means that the transformation of an area does not cause a worsening of the discharge of the river receiving the runoff originated from the same.

6 Goals of the Hydraulic Compatibility The fundamental purpose of the study is to support compatibility hydraulic evaluation, from the stage of conception: to ascertain the suitability of sites to accommodate the new building; to consider the interference of the new settlements with present and potential hydraulic disruptions; to determine possible changes in the hydraulic system caused by new locations or changes of land use. In summary: the hydraulic study aims to verify the eligibility of the provisions contained in the planning projects, suggesting good solutions in terms of good managment of the territory.

7 Scheme of the Hydraulic Compatibility 1 – Collection and analysis of data 2 – Analysis of precipitation 3 – waterproofing evaluation in areas of urban expansion 4 – Application of a hydrological model (comparison between different methods) 5 – Comparison of scenarios and evaluation of prevention, containment and mitigation of hydraulic risk Hydrological assessment of flow outgoing from the basin study Parameters suggested from the local managment authority

8 2 Meolos PAT Hydraulic Compatibility Assessment

9 Customer: Tepco srl Project: Valutazione di Compatibilità Idraulica del PAT del Comune di Meolo (VE) First case: the Compatibility Hydraulic Assessment of Meolos PAT

10 Geographical context Roncade Musile di P. F. Sile Monastier di TV F. Piave

11 Geographical context

12 The areas potentially transformable

13 The Piave s PAI constraints, hazard mapping

14 The Sile s PAI constraints, hazard mapping

15 The mathematical modeling 1d - 2d The calculation grid

16 The flooding simulation in Meolo

17 The new hydraulic hazard map

18 The hydraulic assessment Before urbanization After the waterproofing

19 Which effects does the waterproofing area cause on the existing hydraulic system?

20 Which effects does the waterproofing area cause on the existing hydraulic system?

21 The surface runoff increases and the stream becomes faster

22 The surface runoff increases and the stream becomes faster To ensure the hydraulic invariance is necessary to create a compensation

23 How to achive the mitigation and compensation measures

24 How to achive the mitigation and compensation measures 1 – to insert a reducing flow device in the upstream section ahead the final delivery

25 How to achive the mitigation and compensation measures 1 – to insert a reducing flow device in the upstream section ahead the final delivery (ditch, river) 2 – to achieve a compensation upstream volume

26 How to connect the hydraulic network to final delivery (ditch, river)

27 How to design the reducing discharge device

28 VCI conclusions The Hydraulic Compatibility Assessment ends with the requirements that are incorporated in the Technical Rules of PAT Constraints, requirements and guidelines prescribe the necessary measures to ensure the hydraulic invariance of the urban development

29 3 Maseradas PAT Hydraulic Compatibility Assessment

30 Customer : Comune di Maserada sul Piave Project : Valutazione di Compatibilità Idraulica del PAT del Comune di Maserada sul Piave (TV) Second case: the Compatibility Hydraulic Assessment of Maseradas PAT

31 Geographical context Cimadolmo Villorba Spresiano Breda di Piave F. Piave

32 The Piave s PAI constraints, hazard mapping

33 The soil permeability (hydraulic conductivity)

34 The groundwater depth

35 Hydraulic runoff through infiltration device

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