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Promoting the bilateral relations and analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention Contract № BG 01-002/12.06.2015 Supported by the Fund for Bilateral.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting the bilateral relations and analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention Contract № BG 01-002/12.06.2015 Supported by the Fund for Bilateral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting the bilateral relations and analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention Contract № BG 01-002/12.06.2015 Supported by the Fund for Bilateral Relations at National Level for Bulgaria under the EEA FM and NFM 2009-2014 Conference Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations Rafn M Jonsson Specialist alcohol and drug prevention 02.02.2016 Grand Hotel Bulgaria

2 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Legislation History Development of use Current work and focus Objective.

3 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Legislation Laws on alcohol Age for purchasing all types of alcohol is 20 years of age. Laws on illicit drugs and international conventions. Based on UN conventions Laws on child protection state that: Children aged 12 and under may not be in public places after 20:00 unless accompanied by an adult. Children who are aged 13 to 16 years should not be in public places after 22:00, are on their way home from a recognized school, sports or youth. During the period 1 May to 1 September prolonged outdoor time of two hours. Children got autonomy at the age of 16. In the year 1992 when the Convention on the rights of the Child (CRC) was ratified and a new children’s act was approved. In 1997 the legal age for autonomy was raised to 18 years of age. Primary school from state to municipalities 1996.

4 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Law on social service in municipalities … required to assist people with alcohol problems and do drug prevention. Socials service shall promote alcohol- and drug prevention in cooperation with f.ex. Police, health service and schools. „…shall arrange for alcoholics and those who abuse alcohol or other drugs to receive appropriate treatment and support. It shall provide the relatives and families of alcoholics, counselling and assistance as appropriate.

5 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Law Directorate of health The scope of the Directorate of Health was extended in 2011 to include public health measures and health promotion in addition to its former functions. Among its present functions are: To advise the Minister of Welfare and other Government bodies, health professionals and the public on matters concerning health, disease prevention and health promotion. To sponsor and organize public health initiatives. To promote improvements of health care quality. To supervise the health care services and health care professionals. To monitor prescription medicines and promote their prudent use. To collect and process data on health and health care services and promote research in that field. To issue licenses to practice to health care professionals and ensure that their education meets requirements at all times.

6 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Funding Public health fund – for health promotion and prevention programs Contracts between treatment service, municipalities and government.

7 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” History Peaking consumption in 1997-98 Establishing Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Council in 1998 - The aim of the establishment of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Council is to build up and strengthen measures to prevent the abuse of alcohol and drugs, particularly among children and young people, and to combat the consequences of the consumption of alcohol and other intoxicants. The aim of the activities of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Council is to eradicate the consumption of harmful drugs and to make a massive reduction in the consumption of alcohol.

8 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” 1995 Prevention fund to strengthen preventive work (Alcohol prevention Council). 1% of alcohol taxes 2003 establishment of Public Health Institute of Iceland 2011 PHI and Directorate of Health are emerged Prevention Fund changed to Public Health Fund Added 0,9% of gross sale of Tobacco

9 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations”

10 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations”

11 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Consumption development

12 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Ever consumed alcohol 10 th. gr.

13 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Alcohol last 30 days

14 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Drunk once or more last 30 days

15 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Hashish ever used

16 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Ever used marijuana

17 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Ever used cannabis

18 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Ever used amphetamine

19 Several projects Stop youth drinking Parents Drug free Iceland Government, experts and municipalities Regular Data collection Life your life Drug prevention school SAMAN-hópurinn Náum áttum Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations”

20 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations”

21 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Drug Free Iceland One of the most important of which Dreg Free Iceland has undoubtedly established was to combine the strengths of many professions. Now professionals from different institutions and organizations are working together at the national level and in small groups within neighbourhood's, regions or communities on prevention.

22 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Drug prevention school Contract between several organisations on drug national wide prevention school. The aim of the school is to promote and strengthen prevention in primary schools throughout the country to educate and inform teachers and other school staff on alcohol and drug related issues, to advice schools in the preparation of prevention programs and the implementation of preventive programs.

23 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Life your life (Vertu til) National wide support program for municipalities Funded by the Prevention fund in cooperation with the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Council. Main goal to promote and assist on making policy and action plan. 3 experts.

24 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Other projects Handbook on alcohol, drugs and prevention Used in schools, municipalities and University Leisure activities Card The object and purpose Leisure Card is that all children and adolescents in Reykjavik 6-18 can take part in constructive leisure activities irrespective of their financial or social situation. Leisure Card is designed to increase equality in society and diversity in the practice of sports, arts and recreational activities ( 175€ per child per year in Reykavik).

25 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Forvarnadagurinn – Prevention day Part of the development is an initiative of the President of Iceland in cooperation with the Union of Local Authorities Sports and Olympic Federation, Youth Association, the Scouts, the City of Reykjavik, University of Iceland and Reykjavik University. Focus on healthy lifestyle, spending time with the family, participate in sports

26 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Mapping the structure Ministry of Health - Highest Directorate of Health – Advisory and coordinating Public Health fund Municipalities NGO´s

27 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Present focus Focus on Health promoting projects Health promoting preschool Health promoting primary schools (all 31 participating) Health promoting secondary schools (74 active) Health promoting society Gathering and distribution of data Cooperating with school nurses on health education Ministry of Education added HEALTH in the primary school curriculum.

28 Health promotion Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Assisting schools and community to make comprehensive health promotion policy. Guidelines Web side for analysing the situation and making action plans. The main objective of Health promoting community is to support communities in creating conditions that promote health and well being of all the population.

29 Focus on: Cooperation with relevant stakeholders Students – children and adolescents Employees Environment Using relevant data for … Evaluation of implementation Evaluation of outcome Reykjavik capital in cooperation All schools to participate in health promoting schools by end of 2016. Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations”

30 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations”

31 Questions? Thank you. Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations”

32 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Work shop

33 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” LIVE YOUR LIFE (VERTU TIL) Live Your Life was a public program sponsored by the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Council and the The Association of Local Authorities in Iceland. It’s primary goal was to strengthen prevention work in Icelands’ cities and municipalities and to re- enforce the flow of information between those persons involved in prevention work. Aims: All municipalities shall establish a clear and workable prevention policy that all citizens can relate to and adopt. In addition to prevention workers and youth activity organizers the policy should also include all those who take part in child rearing within the community such as parents and teachers. In addition to this the policy should be recognized by all agents inside and outside the prevention community and visible and accessible to all citizens within the community.

34 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Three meetings with relevant stakeholders in the municipalities Three specialists from the Project 1. Meeting Meet the other stakeholders Mapping of the situation Mapping of resources Setting goals! “Homework” for next meeting

35 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” 2. Meeting 1.Refreshing from last meeting 2.Reports from “Homework” a)Analysis of the situation - group situation – how many are using or not b)What is the substance of our adolescents – how do we respond 3.Who takes the initiative? 4.What is being done? ? 5.Who work together? 6.How do we do this? 7.Why is this important and what is our goal with this? 8.What do we want to achieve?

36 Conference “Analyzing the Icelandic model for prevention addictions among children and adolescents and promoting the bilateral relations” Do municipalities have prevention policy? Is it visible ? Is it realistic ? Are information on prevention accessible ? Are there special prevention counsellors ? Are there prevention counsellors in the schools ? Question´s asked:

37 Pre-History Letter to the King „ Priests and others abstain from drinking. " Forbidden to dedicate alcoholic students to a priest or appoint as teachers or deacons. Priests should inform the people of the damage that drinking causes. Hardened in House order directive in of July.

38 Development of alcohol legislation Alþingi debate in 1870. Fee on alcohol in 1872. National abstaining. Taxes on spirits 1875. Temperance movement 1884 in Akureyri. 1893 the first official grant for preaching abstaining.

39 Laws on alcohol 1900 new laws on trade in alcohol. Also approved a law banning the type of alcoholic beverages Referendum on the ban 1908. Ban on import in 1909. Concessions - doctors.

40 Coordinated laws on alcohol in 1928 Nr. 64/1928 Advertisement of alcoholic beverages prohibited. Younger men than 21 years may not be delivered alcohol. Restaurants may only sell alcohol with food in the dining rooms at certain times. At the same time the Parliament adopted a law on state monopolies on alcohol.

41 Elimination of alcohol ban 1933 referendum on the abolition of payment. Took one year to repeal the ban and put a new law passed in 1935. 1941 allowed to brew beer to sell British occupying forces. 1943 Monopoly could establish outlets.

42 Latest development 1984 restaurants permitted to sell all year. 1986 other than Monopoly authorized to produce alcoholic beverages. 1988, Parliament passed a bill for a license to sell beer from the 1st of March 1989. Sales structure changed, opening hours increased, the number of outlets increased.

43 Focus on Health promoting projects Health promoting primary schools Health promoting secondary schools Health promoting society Gathering and distribution of data Current work and focus

44 Research Gathering data Use data to analyse situation Cooperation and discussion between different sectors The model

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