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 Computer-based Teacher-directed Aligned with state curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: " Computer-based Teacher-directed Aligned with state curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1  Computer-based Teacher-directed Aligned with state curriculum

2 Tammy Daniel  CHHS  ELA, ESL, G/T  10 years  Panther Academy 

3 Work from home  Vocabulary  Lecture  Lab  Essays  Quizzes  Online content

4 Under supervision  Prescriptive testing  Unit Tests  Cumulative exam  I will be available different times throughout the week for testing, conference, and to answer questions.

5 Quizzes  Notes and E Notes  2 attempts  Third attempt may be granted if notes are provided as evidence  After 3 attempts, the highest grade will count and the student will move on

6 Notes  Notes are mandatory  E-notes taken through Edgenuity are available for the instructor to see, making verification easy  You may use these during ALL quizzes and tests, including the final  Tests will not be unlocked without evidence of notes

7 Outside help  Everything you need to be successful is contained within your course on Edgenuity.  You may NOT use any other sites or resources other than notes on the tests and exam.

8 Prescriptive testing  Taken under supervision  Will delete the parts you pass

9 Access  If you do not log in after 5 days, you will be locked out of the system and required to meet with me in person to reactivate your account.  Parents can log in with student information to view progress.  I can provide weekly email updates through Edgenuity  Need parent/guardian email

10 Active v. Idle Time

11 Assignment Calendar

12 Tammy Daniel 

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