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Assessment Within Units, Moving Beyond the GRASPS Tasks Project Umiaq District In-Service February 16, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Within Units, Moving Beyond the GRASPS Tasks Project Umiaq District In-Service February 16, 2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 Assessment Within Units, Moving Beyond the GRASPS Tasks Project Umiaq District In-Service February 16, 2016

3 Ann Washburn 3-4 Grade Harold Kaveolook School Kaktovik

4 Agenda Define GRASPS Task Role of ILF Compare and Contrast GRASPS Step-by-Step Arctic Survival 3 rd Grade Primarily Language Arts Unit DOK Level 4- Create Whaling Flag Fractions Quilt 4 th Grade Primarily Math Unit DOK Level 3- Construct Completing State 2- Other Performance Assessments

5 GRASPS Tasks G- Real-world Goal R- Real-world Role A- Real-world Audience S- Real-world Situation P- Real-world Products or Performances S- Standards


7 Iñupiaq Learning Framework (ILF) Performance Expectations

8 Real-World Goal Provide a statement of the task. Establish the goal, problem, challenge, or obstacle in task.

9 Arctic Survival Unit Goal Your task is to create a kit that contains resources that can be used to help you survive in the Arctic. Environmental Realm: Tools Personal Skills and Technology E.t.4 The student demonstrates the ability to use a variety of tools for appropriate applications by… [B] E.t.4.5 Putting together a personal traveling kit for camping/hunting or an airplane trip

10 Whaling Flag Unit Goal Your task is to construct a new whaling flag using your knowledge of sewing and measurement to recreate the image on your crew’s flag. Environmental Realm: Sewing Sewing Expertise is Essential E.s.3

11 The student demonstrates an understanding of sewing skills by.. [N] E.s.3.1- Increases his/her repertoire of measuring techniques [N] E.s.3.2- Refining the uniformity of the whip and running stitches on a variety of materials [N] E.s.3.4- Completing a sewing project with assistance [N] E.s.3.5- Using a sewing machine for basic stitching techniques

12 Depth of Knowledge


14 Arctic Survival Unit DOK Your task is to create a kit that contains resources that can be used to help you survive in the Arctic. DOK Level 4

15 Depth of Knowledge

16 Whaling Flag Unit DOK Your task is to construct a new whaling flag using your knowledge of sewing and measurement to recreate the image on your crew’s flag. DOK Level 3

17 Depth of Knowledge

18 Real-World Role Define the role of the students in the task. State the job of the students for the task.

19 Arctic Survival Unit Role Your job is to create a survival kit with resources that help you survive in the Arctic making sure that you include resources for food, water, and shelter.

20 Whaling Flag Unit Role Your job is to use your knowledge of sewing to recreate the whaling flag that was lost on the last day of whaling.

21 Real-World Audience Identify the target audience within the context of the scenario. Example audiences might include a client or a committee.

22 Arctic Survival Unit Audience The target audience will be the 2 nd and 3 rd grade students at Harold Kaveolook School. The students will also create survival kits for every person in the village.

23 Whaling Flag Unit Audience The target audience will be the members of your whaling crew, as well as the entire village of Kaktovik.

24 Real-World Situation Set the context of the scenario. Explain the situation. Can be as detailed as you want. Pose a question. Tell a story. Get CREATIVE!

25 Arctic Survival Unit Situation What if you were lost on the tundra in August during a hunting trip? How would you survive? What resources would you like to have with you to help you survive? Use your knowledge of survival to create a kit and explain the functions of each resource.

26 Whaling Flag Unit Scenario It is the last day of the fall whaling season. Having been part of the third successful crew, you are helping to prepare food during the traditional Captain’s feast. You crew’s whaling flag flies proudly over the house, fluttering gently in the wind.

27 Suddenly, a fierce gust catches the flag and rips it from the pole. It dances through the air, caught on the currents. When the gust finally subsides, your flag flutters slowly toward earth where an unsuspecting polar bear is feasting on the remains of the whale’s carcass.

28 As gravity pulls the flag toward the ground, it gets caught on the polar bear’s radio collar. Frightened by the flapping, the bear rushes at breakneck speeds towards the safety of the ocean. She plows head first into the icy waters of the Beaufort Sea, pulling your whaling flag with her. With one last glimpse, the bear dives below the waters, taking your flag to the depths, never to be seen again.

29 Whaling Flag Unit Situation As a member of a Kaktovik fall whaling crew, one of your responsibilities will be to make sure that your crew has a flag for the next whaling season. How will you construct a flag? What skills will you use to sew the flag to ensure that it is not destroyed by the elements?

30 Real-World Products or Performances Clarify what the students will create and why they will create it.

31 Arctic Survival Unit Product You will be able to explain what you would do if you got lost on the tundra. You will create a survival kit with resources that will help you survive.

32 Whaling Flag Unit Product You will create a reproduction of a current Kaktovik whaling flag in order to show the importance the flag plays in the hunt and the image found on the flag.

33 Standards and Criteria Provide students with a clear picture of success. Identify specific standards for success. Issue rubrics to the students or develop them with the students.

34 Arctic Survival Unit Standards A successful result will be the construction of a survival kit with resources that will help you get food, water, and shelter. You must also be able to explain the uses of each item in the kit. The survival kit will be scored using the Survival Kit Rubric.



37 Whaling Flag Unit Standards A successful result will be the construction of a whaling flag that shows the imagery chosen by a contemporary whaling crew. This flag will be added to a quilt that will be constructed by the entire third and fourth grade class. You must be able to measure, cut, attach, and sew the flag so that it remains intact and is a reasonable likeness used by one of the current whaling crews. The whaling flag quilt square will be scored using the Whaling Flag Rubric.




41 Stage 2: Assessment Evidence GRASPS Task 1 Required Other Performance Assessments Summative Assessments Graded Assessments Evaluative Criteria vs. Other Evidence (Graded)

42 Other Evidence Summative Assessments Assesses the Standards Identify DOK Level Identify Learning Experience

43 Art Activities

44 Story Sculptures- Past

45 Story Sculptures- Present

46 Writing Activities


48 Quizzes

49 Tests

50 Evaluative Criteria Ways to assign a grade to a summative assessment Rubric Answer Key

51 For a Closer Look Language Arts 3- LA/SCI/CTE/MA 3 rd Arctic Survival *XL *R w/Default?UnitID=16426&TeacherID=&EditMode=1&Sub NavDevelop=1 Math 4- Math 4 Whaling Flags and Fractions Quilt *TR2 w/Default?UnitID=18459&TeacherID=&EditMode=1&Sub NavDevelop=1


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