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1 NCC CDR prep and Physics strategy Richard Seto UCR DC Upgrades meeting Feb 8, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NCC CDR prep and Physics strategy Richard Seto UCR DC Upgrades meeting Feb 8, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NCC CDR prep and Physics strategy Richard Seto UCR DC Upgrades meeting Feb 8, 2006

2 2 CDR Status  Brant is editing  Review March 14-16 Have final document ready – Feb 28 Prelim document Feb 20th  New sections writeup on the prototype section on Silicon pixel detectors new budget and schedule  Control of CDR is in CVS cvs co offline/analysis/NCCCDR

3 3 Speakers for defense ~7-10 talks  Intro- Rich -1  Physics Heavy Ions – Rich -1 Spin- Ed Kinney (from hamburg) -2  Design of the NCC – Edouard Kistenev -3 Yuri Orlof (Fermilab) -4 Si pixels Prototype results - Electronics – Chi -5 Integration Don Lynch -6  Trigger – John Lajoie -7  Budget/schedule - Rich? -8

4 4 Physics of the NCC how to frame to defense

5 5 Understanding of the sQGP  Announced discovery of sQGP… Major results  Suppression  Flow -> rapid thermalization – how?  p/pi  Leaves some questions  How is the sQGP formed? fast thermalization CGC

6 6 One slide on time scale of RHIC collision 0.11 Energy Density (GeV/fm 3 ) 10 Time (fm) 10 100

7 7 first intro of detector NCC adds enormous kinematic reach  Jet q g -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 rapidity  coverage 2  muon central arms Si Vtx NCC w/ MPC+FVTX PHENIX becomes a large acceptance spectrometer

8 8 Why an EMCAL?  photon, pi0, isolation  Show PHENIX suppression results

9 9 questions from: LRP/RHIC II midterm plan  How is the sQGP formed Study the CGC Is there the CGC  Study the sQGP energy density deconfinement

10 10 The NCC  direct photons, pi0 pA, AA, spin  pA – saturation scale  evolution as a function of centrality, A, y, and DeltaY  AA  direct photon as a measure calibrator of energy loss  enhance gluons jets by going to low x  Energy loss as a function of material transverse(Tomography)  chic  Spin  Delta G(x),  Isolation device W with muons charm – with Fspec critical to understanding of sQGP

11 11 Occupancy etc  update this  to use 1.5x1.5  instead of 2x2  ~factor of 2 100% occ

12 12 measuring direct photons  In lower multiplicity- pp, dAu Isolation  In high occupancy environment (AuAu) Explain how we do the direct photon measurement by measuring the pi0 spectrum Show result Critical step – to measure pi0’s

13 13 Performance – pi0’s The idea  Two sets of strip detectors at ~2 and 7 X 0 first measures 1 or 2 showers second measured asymmetry: do a fit NCC measures total energy can do a fit to the mass EM1 EM2 Had PS “preshower ” SM “shower max ”  Steps Find shower in EM2 then add EM1 and Had Find hits in PS  1 – “photon”  more – pi0 candidate Find hits in window in SM  Fit to two peaks. d=  Δx 2 + Δy 2  Asymmetry is ratio of areas of peaks reconstruct “ mass ”

14 14 how it works  Here we are not trying to measure the pi0 mass but see if it’s a single photon or not see if two photons are consistent with pi0  Can measure pi0 spectrum E π (GeV) “mass” (GeV)

15 15 rate assumptions RHIC II  Luminosity (ala Tony) 200 GeV pp  L=1x10 32 *12 weeks * 0.6(uptime) =238/pb 500 GeV pp  L=5x10 32 *12 weeks * 0.6(uptime) =1195/pb additional penalty of eff=0.25 (vertex cut, recon eff etc)  heavy ions 200 GeV AuAu  L=7x10 27 *12 weeks * 0.6(uptime) =0.018/pb 200 GeV CuCu  L=8x10 28 *12 weeks * 0.6(uptime) =0.180/pb 200 GeV pA  L=2.5x10 29 *12 weeks * 0.6(uptime) =0.5976/pb  use this for 250x100

16 16 I. Measuring the CGC  show rates (I have the numbers now)  [Dima model]

17 17 Measuring Jet energy loss in the sQGP  Explain Correlation technique  Show Phenix results (work in progress)  Rates (I have these)  [Show model (have to make this up)]

18 18 Looking for deconfinement the Chic  Show chic plots  Show chic rates  (later)

19 19 Ed Kinney Spin physics Delta G  Measuring x – I have plots  measuing Delta G – Ken give me this plot  Show x-qsq coverage/rates – I have numbers  (later)

20 20 Ed - Kinney Spin – Sea quarks (W’s)  Cleaning up the background (later)

21 21 John L Triggering  (later)

22 22 Summary  NCC factor of 10 in acceptance  pi0 to 30 GeV  photons  isolation  Physics CGC as the initial state of the sQGP properties of the sQGP  Definitive measurements of CGC: mapping out the CGC saturation regions Jet energy loss Chic Delta G

23 23 update on simulations I. dAu isolation - rks II. chic - rks III. delta G – Ken Barish IV. W - yongil V. triggering- John L

24 24 I dAu direct photon isolation - Rich  Background comes from high pt QCD pi0  Notes: Hard – photon pwg using isolation cuts for direct photons in dAu Allows better event-by event selection of direct photons – for jet photon event by event Can be used in conjunction with correlation method to do jet-photon need to translate to rates (probably need much higher statistics – split jobs in pt bins – hijing not set up for this – so I have to fake it)

25 25 I dAu direct photon isolation - Rich direct photons background pt photon Econe/Ephoton isolation cut works now make quantitative plots

26 26 II. Chic - Rich  Added muon bkg assume no gamma/pi0 discrimination Calculation of rates – consistent with Tony  pp -1.3M  Au Au – 110K  Cu Cu – 200K  dAu – 800K varied resolution from 30% to 50% - edouard reminds me that for the chic (low energy gamma) I need to use 18%+3%. jobs running at RCF

27 27 resolution 50% 30%

28 28 multiplicity- dep dAu central CuCu central AuAu top plots – eta=1-1.5 bottom – eta=1.5-2 Left plots – signal and bkg right plots subtracted signal

29 29 III. Delta G – Ken ALL vs log x NCC Y<1

30 30 I IV. W. Progress - Yongil  Background to high pt muons soft hadrons decaying between stations 1 and 3 Factor of 100 higher than real high pt from W

31 31 cleaning it up survival probablity real pt of hadron red line (majority of bkg) is suppressed by 10^-2 Next step – isolation cut (gives factor of 5-10 suppression)

32 32 V. Triggering progress - John L  2x2 Threshold = 5 GeV  4x4 Threshold = 5 GeV  8x8 Threshold = 10 GeV  8x8 EM Fraction Cut = 0.25  8x8 HAD Fraction Cut = 0.75  Number of events satisfying SOUTH arm 2x2 trigger: 17553 (rejection =32.0008)  Number of events satisfying NORTH arm 2x2 trigger: 17520 (rejection =32.0611)  Number of events satisfying SOUTH || NORTH arm 2x2 trigger: 34582 (rejection = 16.2428)  Number of events satisfying SOUTH arm 4x4 trigger: 35133 (rejection =15.9881)  Number of events satisfying NORTH arm 4x4 trigger: 35042 (rejection =16.0296)  Number of events satisfying SOUTH || NORTH arm 4x4 trigger: 67971 (rejection = 8.26397)  Number of events satisfying SOUTH arm 8x8 EM trigger: 15665 (rejection =35.8576)  Number of events satisfying NORTH arm 8x8 EM trigger: 15424 (rejection =36.4179)  Number of events satisfying SOUTH || NORTH arm 8x8 EM trigger: 30808 (rejection = 18.2326)  Number of events satisfying SOUTH arm 8x8 JET trigger: 21097 (rejection = 26.6251) Number of events satisfying NORTH arm 8x8 JET trigger: 20855 (rejection = 26.9341) Number of events satisfying SOUTH || NORTH arm 8x8 JET trigger: 40806 (rejection = 13.7654) 15 GeV gamma 8x8 2x2 4x4

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