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Soviet Landers on the Moon and Planets Mikhail Marov Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences Vernadsky Institute, Moscow Alvin Seiff Award Ceremony San.

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Presentation on theme: "Soviet Landers on the Moon and Planets Mikhail Marov Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences Vernadsky Institute, Moscow Alvin Seiff Award Ceremony San."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soviet Landers on the Moon and Planets Mikhail Marov Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences Vernadsky Institute, Moscow Alvin Seiff Award Ceremony San Jose, June 17, 2013

2 The Main Milestones (with Recipient Participation) The Moon Luna 9 – first soft landing on the Moon Luna 16, 20, 24 – first automatic lunar soil return Luna 17, 21 – first lunar rovers Lunokhod 1,2 Venus Venera 4,5,6 – first descending/in situ measurements in the Venus atmosphere Venera 7,8 – first landing on the Venus surface and direct measurements on the surface Venera 9-14 – first b/w and color surface images Mars Mars 3 - first soft landing on Mars Mars 6 - first in situ measurements in the atmosphere

3 Luna 9 - The first lunar soft lander, Feb 3, 1966 Luna 13 – Dec 24, 1966

4 Venera 4 - Inside the Venusian Atmosphere Oct 18, 1967 CO2 >90% N2 < 2.5% O2 0.4-1.6% H2O 0.05-0.70 % Last T - 262 C Last P - 18 bar Altitude - 24 km… Derived @ surface: 442 C 90 bar Venera 5 and 6 follow up in May 1969 – both cease at 27 bar, 18 km

5 New Robotic Lunar Rovers and Sample Return Spacecraft RoverSample Return Luna 16 Luna 17 Used new Proton-K launcher

6 Robotic Lunar Rovers and Sample Return Rover Launch History 1969, Feb 19 Launch failure 1970, Nov 10 Luna 17/Lunokhod 1 1973, Jan 8 Luna 21/Lunokhod 2 Sample Return Launch History 1969, Jun 14 Launch failure 1969, Jul 13 Luna 15, crashed 1969, Sep 23 Launch failure 1969, Oct 22 Launch failure 1969, Feb 6 Launch failure 1970, Sep 12 Luna 16, success 1971, Sep 2 Luna 18, failed at landing 1972, Feb 14 Luna 20, success 1974 Nov 2 Luna 23, damaged on landing 1975, Oct 16 Launch failure 1976, Aug 9 Luna 24, success First Lunar Sample Return – Luna 16 First Robotic Lunar Rover - Lunokhod 1

7 Robotic Lunar Rovers and Sample Return Lunokhod 1 PanoramasLunokhod 2 lander

8 Robotic Lunar Rovers and Sample Return Luna 16

9 First landing on Venus Dec 15, 1970, Venera 7 1970 Venera 7 launch Aug 17, 1970 2nd launch fails Aug 22, 1970 Venera 7 lands Dec 15, 1970 Venera 7 s/c Venera 7 capsule 1972 Venera 8 launch Mar 27, 1972 2nd launch fails Mar 31, 1972 Venera 8 lands Jul 22, 1972

10 Entry System Deployment First landing on Mars Dec 2, 1971, Mars 3 Descent Sequence Lander Deployed Mars 2 crashed Mars 3 lander fails 2 min after landing

11 First Mars Lander Mars 3

12 First Direct Atmospheric Measurements with Mars 6 Lander Launched two orbiters and two flyby/landers Virtual copies of the Mars 3 spacecraft Except for a crucial substitution of a transistor All spacecraft plagued with onboard failures Mars 4,5Mars 6,7

13 Acknowledgements I acknowledge the decision of the Alvin Seiff Award Committee and am proud to receive this prestigious award. Slides in this presentation are partially taken from Wes Huntress and Mikhail Marov talk The Soviet Robotic Lunar & Planetary Exploration Program based on the author’s book Soviet Robots in the Solar System, SPRINGER_PRAXIS, 2011, presented at the Conference SSE@50, Oct 25-26, 2012. I am grateful to Mike Wright for his suggestion to submit this presentation and to deliver it during the Ceremony.

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