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Topic 2 – Cognitive Psychology Lesson two – Multi-store model.

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1 Topic 2 – Cognitive Psychology Lesson two – Multi-store model

2 Recap What is information processing? How can a computer be used as an analogy in cognitive psychology? Define: Encoding Storage Retrieval Capacity Duration

3 Multi-store model What do you think this model refer to? How many stores for memory do you think there are?

4 1. Multi-store model of memory Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) Draw three boxes in the middle of a page with space in between each box. You will be adding information to the diagram as we go along.

5 1. Multi-store model of memory Atkinson and Shiffrin(1968) They suggested that memory is a ‘process.’ The information we learn passes through a number of STORES during the journey from Short term memory to Long Term memory. 1.Sensory memory 2.Short-term memory store 3.Long-term memory store

6 Multi-store model of memory Try and complete the diagram using the word document to help you. (learner space)

7 1. Sensory register/store  Where does the information entering this store come from?  What is the capacity of this store?  What is the duration?  What happens to information that is unattended? (i.e. not paid attention to?)  Mode of representation is modality specific. What does this mean?  What happens when information is attended to? Where does it transfer?  What is ‘decay’.

8 Sperling (1960) Visual Array Visual Array KPDV QUJA SKME Now remember row three of the visual array

9 KPLS UBRC WEXJ Write down the letters from row 2 of the visual array

10  2. Short-term memory store  How does the information enter the STM?  How long is it held for before it decays?  How can the information be maintained?  What is the duration?  What is the capacity?  What is the mode of representation?  How can the strength of the memory trace be strengthened?  Where does the information transfer to when it is strengthened?

11 Peterson and Peterson (1959) Trigram task

12 3. Long-term memory store  How is information retrieved from the LTM?  What is the duration?  What is the capacity?  What is the mode of representation?

13 Studies relevant to the MSM Sensory memory – Sperling (1960, 1963) Short term memory – Peterson and Peterson (1959) and Miller (1956) Long term memory – Brown and Mcneill (1966) Research these studies and complete the following table StudyBrief details about the study How does this relate to the MSM

14 Homework question Explain the difference between the three stores in the multi-store model (6 marks)

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