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Reaching Minority Audiences Group Responses. Public Service Announcements Focus on TV and Radio Programs that reach young minorities –Use minorities in.

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching Minority Audiences Group Responses. Public Service Announcements Focus on TV and Radio Programs that reach young minorities –Use minorities in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching Minority Audiences Group Responses

2 Public Service Announcements Focus on TV and Radio Programs that reach young minorities –Use minorities in spots Fliers in H.S. that have significant minority composition –Use teachers to promote the program –Use key informants in school Use teen moms to communicate with others Use Newspapers (especially minority run) –Aim info at mothers to reach daughters Have info available at clinics Billboards

3 Getting the Word Out Work with other agencies Use other agencies lists –Mass mailing –Other forms of contact Try door to door efforts Meet after school Use key informants and gate keepers for access Distribute materials in schools –High school bathroom news –School intercom –Contact parents

4 Reduce Barriers Free or Subsidized forms of birth control Free transportation to programs or services Hold activities in community hot spots Child care provided for programs Provide food/snacks

5 Some Issues Minority does not equal poor or poverty Middle-Class minorities are also underserved Middle-Class minorities like Middle-Class whites are more receptive programs and more likely to change

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