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BLOOD PRESSURE. Blood pressure is measured as systolic (sis-TOL-ik) and diastolic (di-a-STOL-ik) pressures.

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2 Blood pressure is measured as systolic (sis-TOL-ik) and diastolic (di-a-STOL-ik) pressures.

3 SYSTOLIC "Systolic" refers to blood pressure when the heart beats while pumping blood.

4 DIASTOLIC "Diastolic" refers to blood pressure when the heart is at rest between beats.

5 You most often will see blood pressure numbers written with the systolic number above or before the diastolic number, such as 120/80 mmHg.

6 Sphygmomanometer



9 Normal Ranges Below 120 and Below 80 Normal blood pressure Maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle.

10 Prehypertension 120-139 or 80-89 Prehypertension Maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle.

11 Stage 1 Hypertension 140-159 or 90-99 Stage 1 hypertension Maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle. If blood pressure goal isn't reached in about six months, talk to your doctor about taking one or more medications

12 Stage 2 Hypertension 160 or more or 100 or more Stage 2 hypertension Maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle. Talk to your doctor about taking more than one medication

13 How To Measure Blood Pressure Blood Pressure Video

14 Short Blood Pressure Video How to take Blood Pressure

15 You Try…. Live Blood Pressure

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