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 All Mental illnesses  Affect over 2 million American Women and Men  Thousands will die from complications  2/3 of all treated will relapse  90%

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2  All Mental illnesses  Affect over 2 million American Women and Men  Thousands will die from complications  2/3 of all treated will relapse  90% are girls and mainly start during teen years  Affects between ages of 6 - 40

3  Media – show thin people  Only 3% of people on TV are overweight  36% of Americans are obese  50% of Americans are overweight  Not an accurate portrayal of Americans  Comedians make fun of  Actresses, models, TV personalities, etc.

4  Preoccupation with dieting and thinness leads to excessive weight loss – starvation  Signs: - significant weight loss - continues to diet - feels fat – talks about it - fears any weight gain - loses menstrual period - obsessed with food, calories, cooking, etc. - diets in isolation - exercises compulsively - Binge and purge

5  Frequent episodes of binge eating – followed by purging and feelings of shame and guilt  Signs: - eating uncontrollably - purging by strict dieting, fasting, vigorous exercise, vomiting or abusing laxatives and diuretics - visit bathroom frequently - depression or mood swings - irregular periods - dental problems – swollen cheeks, glands, heartburn, bloating - problems with drugs and alcohol

6  Abnormally slow heart rate & low blood pressure  Risk of heart failures rises  Reduction in bone density  Muscle loss and weakness  Severe dehydration  Dry hair and skin – hair loss  Growth of Lanugo – hair all over the body to keep warm

7  Uncontrolled eating that is sometimes a secret. Do not purge.  May experience depression and other psychological problems  Signs: - 40% of obese people are binge eaters - eating when not hungry - diet frequently - unable to stop eating voluntarily - aware eating patterns are abnormal - weight fluctuations -social and professional success and failures attributed to weight

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