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Evolution of Engineering as a Profession September 20, 2006.

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1 Evolution of Engineering as a Profession September 20, 2006

2 Edwin Layton, Engineer and historian 1 st stage – During the 19 th century, growth of public resources made possible extensive building of railroads, canals, and other large products. 2 nd stage – From 1880-1920, the demand for engineers increased twenty times. This increase created a demand for science and mathematics based education and more engineering schools Independent consulting engineers began to fade and engineering became tied to corporations.

3 Dilemma for Engineers Professional independence VS corporate loyalty A profession is any occupation involving advanced expertise, self-regulation, and service for the public good. Advanced expertise – Theoretical Knowledge, extensive skills, and sound judgement generally developed through formal education followed by continuing education. Self-regulation – setting standards for entering profession, development of code of ethics, and enforcing standards of conduct Quickie Designs – formed by Marilyn Hamilton (1980)

4 Engineering Profession Formal education – Defined by standards developed by ABET Inc. All engineering colleges are evaluated by ABET in the US. ABET emphasizes major design experience for all engineering graduates. Self-regulation – Engineering professional societies and National Society of Professional Engineers provide guidance and disseminate best practices. Public good is achieved by: Individual responsibility and corporate responsibility. Goal – Practicing the profession to achieve excellence in quality and meeting social responsibility.

5 Engineering design All of you must engage in a major design experience before you graduate. You must invest sufficient time to understand the engineering design process. You must also engage in design projects to demonstrate your design skills to ABET as well as potential employers.

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