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Optical links for the CMS Tracker at CERN J. Troska (on behalf of Karl Gill) CERN EP Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Optical links for the CMS Tracker at CERN J. Troska (on behalf of Karl Gill) CERN EP Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optical links for the CMS Tracker at CERN J. Troska (on behalf of Karl Gill) CERN EP Division

2 Outline n 1. Introduction u Project F LHC/CMS/Tracker/Optical Links F Environment n 2: Radiation damage testing at CERN F Lasers F fibres/connectors F photodiodes F System considerations n 3: Summary n Copies of slides available:

3 LHC at CERN CERN, Geneva Large Hadron Collider 27 km circumference 7 TeV proton beams CMS

4 CMS at CERN/LHC n **

5 CMS Tracker development Barrel layer prototype Forward disk prototype Layers of silicon microstrip detectors ~10 million detector channels

6 CMS Tracker analogue optical link n Transmitter - 1310nm InGaAsP EEL n Fibres and connectors - Ge-doped SM fibre n Receivers - InGaAs 12-way p-i-n n plus analogue electronics- rad-hard deep sub-micron

7 Tracker radiation environment Charged hadron fluence (/cm 2 over ~10yrs) high collision rate high energy large number of tracks radiation damage lifetime >10 years temperature -10C

8 CMS Tracker readout and control links n final system: PLL Delay MUX 2:1 Timing APV amplifiers pipelines 128:1 MUX Detector Hybrid processing buffering TTCRx A D C Rx Hybrid FED TTCRx FEC CCU DCU Control processing buffering   Front-End Back-End  TTC DAQ Analogue Readout 50000 links @ 40MS/s Digital Control 2000 links @40MHz  Parts under test for radiation damage Tx Hybrid   

9 Environments n Optoelectronics already employed in variety of harsh radiation environments u e.g. civil nuclear and space applications Total dose (Gy) Dose rate (Gy/hr) 1E-2 1E+01E+21E+41E+6 1E+0 1E+2 1E+4 1E+6 1E+8 Space (p,e) Nuclear ( , also n) CMS TK CMS cavern

10 COTS issues n Extensive use of commercial off-the-shelf components (COTS) in CMS optical links u Benefit from latest industrial developments F cheaper F “reliable” tested devices u However COTS not made for CMS environment F no guarantees of long-life inside CMS n validation testing of COTS mandatory before integration into CMS

11 COTS components for CMS Tracker links n Some examples: single fibre and MU connector 1-way InGaAsP edge-emitting lasers on Si-submount with ceramic lid 12-way optical ribbon and MT-connector 96-way cable

12 Validation procedures for rad-resistance n E.g. lasers and photodiodes  irradiation n irradiation  irradiation annealingageing (in-system) lab tests Highlighted: 1999 Market survey validation tests (in-system) lab tests n Feedback test results into system specifications u radiation damage effects can then be mitigated

13 Neutron tests at UC Louvain-La-Neuve deuterons neutrons Recent validation tests of laser diodes ~20MeV neutrons flux ~ 5x10 10 n/cm 2 /s fluence ~ 5x10 14 n/cm 2 (Similar to CMS Tracker 10 year exposure) neutrons Samples stacked inside cold box (-10C)

14 Radiation test system n Test setup for in-situ measurements n In-situ measurements give powerful capability to extrapolate damage effects to other radiation environments u e.g. CMS Tracker, if damage factors of different particles known n Similar test setup for p-i-n and fibre studies

15 neutron damage - Italtel/NEC lasers Light output vs current characteristics before and after neutron irradiation Fluence = 5x10 14 n/cm 2 temperature =23C Damage effects consistent with build-up of non-radiative recombination centres in/around active laser volume, causing a decrease in injected charge carrier lifetimes

16 neutron damage - Italtel/NEC LD Damage vs fluence and time annealing vs time Roughly linear increase in damage with fluence Same annealing dynamics for threshold and efficiency therefore indicate same underlying physical damage mechanism

17 Different vendors compared n I thr and Eff changes vs neutron fluence n similar effects in all 1310nm InGaAsP lasers

18 Radiation source comparison - Italtel/NEC laser For comparison with other sources: Normalize to fluence = 5x10 14  /cm 2 in 96 hours irradiation Damage factor ratios: 0.8MeV n = 1 ~6MeV n = 3.1 ~20MeV n = 4.9 330MeV pi = 11.5 24GeV p = 9.4 Extend to 10 years, taking into account LHC luminosity profile possible to estimate damage to laser threshold in CMS Tracker: in worst case, at low radii  I thr = 14mA for Italtel/NEC lasers

19 Tests of fibre attenuation n Gamma damage (CMS-TK COTS single-mode fibres) at 1310nm

20 Tests of photodiodes - leakage n leakage current (InGaAs, 6MeV neutrons) n similar damage over many (similar) devices

21 Photodiodes - response n Photocurrent (InGaAs, 6MeV neutrons) F Significant differences in damage F depends mainly if front or back-illuminated front-illuminated better

22 Photodiode Single-event-upset Bit-error-rate for 80Mbit/s transmission with 59MeV protons in InGaAs p-i-n (D=80  m) 10-90  angle, 1-100  W optical power flux ~10 6 /cm 2 /s (similar to that inside CMS Tracker) Ionization dominates for angles close to 90  n nuclear recoil dominates for smaller angles n BER inside CMS Tracker similar to rate due to nuclear recoils should operate at ~100  W opt. power 45°10°90° beam

23 System considerations n Build in radiation damage compensation into optical link system u Lasers F provide adjustable d.c. bias to track threshold increase F provide variable gain to compensate for efficiency loss (and other gain factors) u Fibres and connectors F No significant damage u Photodiodes F provide leakage current sink F provide adjustable gain  use sufficient optical power (~100  W) to avoid significant SEU effects

24 Summary n CMS Tracker Optical links project u 50000 analogue + 1000 digital links u harsh radiation environment, 10 years at -10C u COTS components n Extensive validation testing of radiation hardness necessary u ionization damage (total dose) u displacement damage (total fluence) and annealing u reliability u SEU n Accumulated knowledge of radiation damage effects u compensation built into optical link system u confidence of capacity to operate for 10 years inside CMS Tracker

25 CMS at CERN/LHC n **

26 Radiation environment in CMS n ** high collision rate high energy large number of tracks radiation damage require lifetime >10 years operating temperature -10C fluences up to 2x10 14 cm -2 (dominated by charged pions) total dose up to 150kGy

27 Single-mode optical fiber Optical attenuator Bit Error Rate tester Output signal Input signal 1310nm laser transmitter Optical power- meter Optical receiver circuit PIN diode Experimental setup for particle-induced BER Incident beam

28 Annealing (current) n damage anneals faster at higher forward bias n “recombination enhanced annealing”

29 Reliability n irradiated device lifetime > 10 years?? n Ageing test at 80C No additional degradation in irradiated lasers n acc. Factor ~400 relative to -10C operation n lifetime >>10years

30 Fibre attenuation vs fluence n damage actually most likely due to gamma background n ‘Neutron’ damage (CMS TK)

31 Damage picture n Defects introduced into band-gap by displacement damage n non-radiative recombination at defects u competes with laser recombination

32 Fibre annealing n damage recovers after irradiation (e.g. gamma) n Damage therefore has dose-rate dependence

33 InGaAs p-i-n characteristics n Output current vs incident power n InGaAs p-i-n -5V before/after 2x10 14  /cm 2 n Increase in I leak n decrease in I photo

34 n leakage current (InGaAs, different particles, 20C) higher energy , p more damaging than n Different particles (leakage)

35 Different particles (response) n different particles: higher energy , p more damaging than n

36 InGaAs p-i-n annealing n After pion irradiation (room T, -5V) n Leakage anneals a little n No annealing of response

37 InGaAs p-i-n reliability n irradiated device lifetime > 10 years?? n Ageing test at 80C No additional degradation in irradiated p-i-n’s n lifetime >>10years

38 PD SEU photodiodes sensitive to SEU strong dependence upon particle type and angle

39 CMS/LHC at CERN n **

40 CMS pit excavations (to -80m)

41 CMS experimental cavern excavations

42 CMS experiment assembly at surface

43 LHC Radiation environments: experiments n e.g CMS neutrons (courtesy M. Huhtinen)

44 LHC Radiation environments: experiments n e.g CMS photons (courtesy M. Huhtinen)

45 LHC Radiation environments: Trackers n (charged hadrons) (courtesy M. Huhtinen)

46 LHC Radiation environments: Trackers n (neutrons) (courtesy M. Huhtinen)

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