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By: Rohan Rao, Yusuf Oner, Brandon Chic, Kevin Jun and Shyam Patel.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Rohan Rao, Yusuf Oner, Brandon Chic, Kevin Jun and Shyam Patel."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Rohan Rao, Yusuf Oner, Brandon Chic, Kevin Jun and Shyam Patel

2 Cnidaria: Germ Layers 2 Germ layers Ectoderm Endoderm

3 Cnidaria: Symmetry Radial

4 Cnidaria: Coelom Acoelomate – Lacks a body cavity A fluid filled cavity formed in the mesoderm

5 Cnidaria: Digestive Track Gastrovascular Digestive cavity with only one opening

6 Cnidaria: Cephalization None Nervous system below epidermis Network of nerves

7 Cnidaria: Segmentation None

8 Cnidaria: Skeleton and Appendages Hydrostatic skeleton

9 Cnidaria: Circulatory System No circulatory system

10 Cnidaria: Respiratory System No respiratory organs Oxygen is absorbed through both layers of skin Carbon dioxide is expelled through both

11 Cnidaria: Reproduction Sexual Asexual

12 Cnidaria: Habitat Shallow water Water H2O Aqueous solutions (mostly water) Land, but not really, only water 물 Woda Su 水 पानी ماء מים

13 Porifera: Germ Layers None

14 Porifera: Symmetry Nothing definite

15 Porifera: Coelom Acoelomate Lacks a cavity between the body wall and the digestive tract

16 Porifera: Digestive Tract No specialized digestive system

17 Porifera: Cephalization No cephalization

18 Porifera: Segmentation None

19 Porifera: Skeleton and Appendages Invertebrate No appendages

20 Porifera: Circulatory System No circulatory system Rely on a constant flow of water throughout their body

21 Porifera: Respiratory System No distinct system Water flow makes up for it

22 Porifera: Reproduction Asexual After fragmentation (Parts of the sponge fall off and start to grow elsewhere) By producing gemmules (releases them when dying, go dormant and start to grow when the environment is right) By budding (new organism grows on another) Sexual (Main) Sponge releases sperm Travel to another sponge and fertilize the eggs there

23 Porifera: Habitat Spans the entire globe Quiet, clear waters More abundant in temperate waters


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