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Urinary System. Parts: Kidney Ureters Bladder Urethra.

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Presentation on theme: "Urinary System. Parts: Kidney Ureters Bladder Urethra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urinary System

2 Parts: Kidney Ureters Bladder Urethra

3 Kidney: Cattle and poultry are composed of various lobes or parts Horse’s right kidney is heart shaped and left kidney is bean shaped (picture) Sheep and swine are both bean shaped

4 Renal Cortex: Outer tissue layer of the kidney

5 Renal Artery: Conveys blood to the kidney

6 Renal Medulla: Inner portion of the kidney

7 How it works: Blood filters from the capillaries into the blind sac of the urinary tubules Urinary tubules network together and form larger tubules toward the center of the kidney where urine containing body wastes is collected

8 Kidney Functions: Filter waste from the blood Regulates blood composition Maintain normal internal life support conditions

9 Ureters: Tubules connecting the kidneys with the bladder Transport urine from kidney to the bladder

10 Bladder: Expandable sac Stores urine until urinated out of the body Fetal Pig Bladder below

11 Urethra: Passes urine from the bladder through this elastic tube. In the penis of males Connected to the vagina in females

12 Poultry: Have no bladder Urine is transported by the ureters to the cloaca where it is excreted with feces No liquid is excreted

13 Uric Acid: White material in droppings Urinary excretions

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