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A primer on Quaternary Stratigraphy and Terrestrial Sedimentology

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1 A primer on Quaternary Stratigraphy and Terrestrial Sedimentology

2 Concerns for Q stratigraphy
Rapid fluctuations of climate, thus rapid and complex stratigraphy Time-transgressive units are the rule Dating and correlation limitations: correlation of records is the key Complexities of terrestrial stratigraphy

3 Stratigraphy and correlation
At one site: temporal dimension: stratigraphy At one time: spatial dimension: correlation If the Q record were complete and well dated everywhere, a time-stratigraphic framework of environmental change could be developed But that framework is hampered by: few long, continuous records, fragmented terrestrial records, dating challenges

4 Stratigraphic approaches
Lithostratigraphy Chronostratigraphy Biostratigraphy Chemostratigraphy (incl. Oxygen isotope stratigrapy) Magnetostratigraphy Climatostratigraphy (geologic-climatic units) Morphostratigraphy (allostratigraphic units)

5 Lithostratigraphy A very important first step in any stratigraphic sequence Forms the basis for interpreting stratigraphy in terms of processes and history Descriptive vs. genetic terminology e.g., diamicton vs. till

6 Time-transgressive sequences
Lowe and Walker, 1997

7 Bedsmembersformations Lithofacieslithofacies associations
Lithostratigraphy Bedsmembersformations Lithofacieslithofacies associations Lowe and Walker, 1997

8 Lowe and Walker, 1997


10 LithofaciesLithofacies associations

11 Biostratigraphy Lowe and Walker, 1997


13 Marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy
SC Porter Oxygen isotope stratigraphy has proven one of the best means of subdividing the Q, and has been formalized in recent years, see

14 Magnetostratigraphy




18 Morphostratigraphy Lowe and Walker, 1997

19 (50 x 60 km)

20 Lyman Rapids advance ca. 60 ka? (between 54 and 115 ka) SL (Heusser, 1972) : (27 X 48 km)

21 Hoh Oxbow 1 advance 33-30 cal ka ∆T~4ºC @ SL (Heusser, 1972) :
I also need to make the point that this one advanced and retreated within 3 ka--very tight dating and rapid growth and shirnkage for a big glacier. (27 X 48 km)

22 Twin Creeks 1 advance 22-21 ka (LGM equivalent; 27 km retreat from maximum) SL (Heusser, 1972) : The poor, poor LGM. Note that the delta T is greater, but the ice extent way less (27 X 48 km)

23 Climatostratigraphy Lowe and Walker, 1997

24 Chamberlin’s glacial stages
Wisconsin glaciation Sangamon interglaciation Illinoian glaciation Yarmouth interglaciation Kansan (Independence) glaciation Nebraskan (Albertan) glaciation USGS

25 Correlation issues: time/space-transgressive climatic changes
Lowe and Walker, 1997

26 Chronostratigraphy Lowe and Walker, 1997

27 Lowe and Walker, 1997

28 Examples of multi-proxy Quaternary records

29 Lowe and Walker, 1997

30 Lowe and Walker, 1997

31 Lowe and Walker, 1997

32 Lowe and Walker, 1997

33 Lowe and Walker, 1997


35 Rocky Mountain glacial stratigraphy
Lundeen, 2001



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