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Multimedia Project GREAT BRITAIN By Jon Hardy Joshua Johnson Manny Acuna.

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Presentation on theme: "Multimedia Project GREAT BRITAIN By Jon Hardy Joshua Johnson Manny Acuna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimedia Project GREAT BRITAIN By Jon Hardy Joshua Johnson Manny Acuna

2 Great Britain's Flag The blue with a "X" o is St. Andrew's Cross the flag of Scotland The white with a red cross o is the St.George's Cross the flag of England The white with a "X" o St. Patrick's Cross, the flag of Ireland (Know-Britain, n.d.)

3 Reasons for Entering the War Loosely allied with France and Russia France declared war against Germany (August 4) Germany invaded Belgium that day Due to a 75 year old treaty with Belgium. Britain felt morally obligated to aid their defense. (Treaty of London, 1839) (The Causes of World War One, 2011)

4 Reasons for Entering the War With the country of Britain going into the war that meant all of their colonies as while; o Australia o Canada o India o New Zealand o Union of South Africa (The Causes of World War One, 2011)

5 Short-Term Effects The Treaty of Versailles o was a peace settlement signed after World War 1 o one of the three most important people were David Lloyd George (from Britain) (The Treaty of Versailles, 2011) The League of Nations o was a result of The Treaty of Versailles o which really didn't have any effect on the war. (The Treaty of Versailles, 2011)


7 3 Themes of Global Study 1.Rise of Mass Society Rise of Mass Society was a big theme in the age of Imperialism, because Great Britain was conquering diffrent countries, spreading their believes and lands. 2. Identity & Differences Great Britain was worried that Germany would take over so they fought back in the war to defend their way of life and who they are. 3. Globalization All countries were interaladinous and then all became involved with the Great War (WW1 a.k.a. World War 1).

8 Long-Term Effects Extremely high death toll o Of the original 5,397,000 British soldiers to mobilize at the start of and during the war, approximately 703,000 were killed, and1,663,000 wounded. These numbers cannot be exact due to the barbaric nature of the war and loss of records. (Wilde, 2011) Scars of war o Much of the British workforce was lost due to death, insanity, and disability. o Many soldiers were horribly disfigured and rendered helpless by loss of limbs o They also suffered from 'Shell Shock', which is now known as PTSD (Koven, 1994).

9 Walter Yeo- The first man to be treated with modern plastic surgery for wounds sustained during the war (Telegraph, 2008). The remains of soldiers piled up in trenches, and became food for trench rats and other vermin (documentingreality, 2011).

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