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Department of Agriculture Government of Maharashtra 24 th – 25 th September 2008.

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1 Department of Agriculture Government of Maharashtra 24 th – 25 th September 2008


3 Progress of Monsoon - June 08 South western monsoon arrived on 6 th June Monsoon was vigorous over Konkan region from 8 th to 11 th June, it was not wide spread Dry spell was observed from 14 th to 24 th June except Konkan region, Kolhapur and Satara districts Normal rainfall 222.1 mm, actual rainfall 193.3 mm (87%) However, out of 33 districts in the state, 18 districts less than 60% resulted in less sowing and adversely affected crop growth

4 Rainfall was active during 1st week Intensity of rainfall was low except Konkan region,Kolhapur, Chandrapur & Gadchiroli district Rainfall was scanty and deficient. The dry spell from 2nd July to 19th July observed in the state except Konkan region, Eastern Vidarbha and Kolhapur district. Normal rainfall - 390.3 mm, actual rainfall – 253.3 mm (64.9%) 15 districts received rainfall less than 60% This leads late sowing of kharif crops and affected short duration crops like Mung and Udid. Progress of Monsoon - July 08

5 Moderate to heavy rainfall occurred in 1st fortnight of August Intensity of rainfall reduced from 2nd fortnight of August Dry spell from 15th to 25th August was observed in the state except Konkan region. Normal rainfall – 297.6 mm, actual rainfall – 301.7 mm (101%) 4 districts received rainfall less than 60% Progress of Monsoon - August 08

6 September,08 Rainfall (mm) NormalWeek- IWeek-IIWeek-IIITotal 198.06935 % 134.768%48.925%253.6127% Heavy rainfall received in the state first fortnight of September which is useful for standing Kharif crops as well as for Rabi sowing. Progress of Monsoon - Sept. 08

7 -11133.05149.50Total Kharif sown area -231.3331.95Cotton -307.7010.93Sugarcane (Harvested) 835.2832.52Total Kh.Oilseed -2158.7274.10Total Kh Foodgrains -2918.2125.61Total Kh Pulses -1640.5148.49Total Kh Cereals % (+ or - )2008-092007-08 Area in lakh haCategeory Sowing Status of Kharif crops during 2008-09 Area decreased Lakh ha Area Increased – Area decreased Lakh ha.– Kh Jowar 3.39 ( 27 %), Bajra 4.06 (32%),Tur 1.55 (13%) Mung 2.46 (37%,) Udid 2.49 (44%) Kh,Gr.Nut 0.83 (25%) Sesamum 0.40 (45%) Sugarcane 3.22 (30%) Area Increased – Soyabean 4.03 (15%)

8 Late Sown- Late Sown- Sowing upto 15 th July Cereals 20%,Pulses 35 %, cotton 59 % Comparative Last Year Sowing Comparative Last Year Sowing - Cereals 57%,Pulses 82 %, cotton 101 % Soyabean sowing on 6.44 lakh ha was completed after july

9 Crops2007-08 2008-09 Plan AreaProd Yield AreaProd Yield Cereals 43.0148.311123 46.1152.611140 Pulses 14.9611.8679316.2413.43825 Food-grains 57.9660.17103861.6364.791051 Oilseeds 5.724.217366.215.22942 Total 63.6867.84 Area in lakh ha., Production in lakh MT, Productivity in kg/ha.


11 Area in " 00"ha Production in " 00" Tonnes, Yield in kg./ha Performance -Kh. Rice National Food Security Mission

12 Area in " 00"ha Production in " 00" Tonnes, Yield in kg./ha NFSM Performance -Tur

13 Area in " 00"ha Production in " 00" Tonnes, Yield in kg./ha NFSM Performance - Mung

14 Area in " 00"ha Production in " 00" Tonnes, Yield in kg./ha NFSM Performance - Udid

15 Area in " 00"ha Production in " 00" Tonnes, Yield in kg./ha NFSM Performance - WHEAT

16 Area in " 00"ha Production in " 00" Tonnes, Yield in kg./ha NFSM Performance - GRAM

17 Area, Production & Yield Area in lakh ha., Production in lakh MT, Yield in Kg/ha.) NFSM Performance

18 Seed Planning - Rabi- 2008 CropsRabi 2007 Distribution Requirement Rabi-2008 Expected Source wise availability MSSCNSCPvt.Total Cereals5.075.933.310.491.935.73 Pulses0.881.140.760.170.221.15 Oilseeds0. Cotton000000 Other Crops 000000 Total6. Lakh Qtl.

19 Seed Treatment Campaign Seed in Qtl. Crops Rabi 2007Rabi 2008 SRR Seed treated through campaign ( % )SRRTarget Area in "Lakh" ha, Total Seed required Seed treatment Target % Area to be covered (in lakh ha) Seed Available through Various agencies Qtls. Rb Jowar 1283.361229.242924008524.8520710 Wheat 4086.314213.4113410008010.72511050 Gram 1567.941614.408640007010.08115793 Safflower 1868.35212.3123100851.965006 Sunflower 2170.33301.6116100600.976025 Total 75.2660.9725,36,600 7748.596,58,584

20  State is ahead in SRR –  Soybean (45%),  Bajra (75%),  Udid (46%),  Planned to increase SRR in Tur,Gram, Sunflower, Safflower, Rabi Jowar  Five year Seed plan prepared to double the certified seed production. SEED SEED



23 Fertiliser Planning Rabi- 2008 GradeApproved Demand Supply Committed by Manufacturers + / - Urea9.006.25- 2.75 A. Sulphate0.16 0 CAN0.100.06- 0.04 DAP3.851.75-2.10 SSP3.252.65- 0.60 SOP0.040.0-0.04 MOP2.00 0 Complexes6.004.51- 1.49 Total24.4017.38- 7.02 Lakh MT

24 Normal Ratio Expected NPK Ratio Normal Ratio Expected NPK Ratio 4 : 2 : 13.11 : 1.80 : 1 ( Excluding Drought Years )

25 Decline in pesticide consumption by 24% (compared to 1985-86 to 1995-96 with 1996-97 to 2006-07)

26 Quality Control Labs

27 Crop Loan waiver Scheme

28 Crop Loan Progress - 2008-09

29 (Rs. in Crore) (including State Matching Share) Unspent Balance revalidated for use in 2008-09 = Rs. 16.61 crore

30 Major Activities 2007-082008-09Major Activities 2007-082008-09 Achiv. (Plan) Achiv. (Plan)  Farmers training- 58926 82240 farmers  Demonstrations- 750811637  Exposure Visits- 21507 44441  Exhibitions - 27 33  Literature published- 177 322  Mobilisation of farmer groups- 691 1500  Farmer –Scientist interaction- 40 66  Kisan Goshti- 290 354 no. of events  Farmer awards- 54 330

31 Sanctioned Projects under stream-I during 2007-08 DepartmentScheme Amount (Crores) Districts Soil and Water Conservation Farm Pond80.0016 Dist. Of Vidarbha & Marathwada Region Water ResourcesRepairs of Malgujari Tank 20.00Gadchiroli, Chandrapur, Gondia, Bhandara Water Conservation Shallow Tube wells 14.00Gadchiroli, Chandrapur, Gondia, Bhandara, Ramtek Tal. Of Nagpur Co-operative & Marketing Onion Storage Structure 15.00All Dist. Co-operative & Marketing PACS Godowns20.00All Dist. Total -- --149.00--

32 Grants Available from GOI (2007-08 ) ItemsAmount Sanctioned (in Crores) Stream-I90.60 Stream-II34.50 Preparation of C-DAP3.10 Total128.20 32

33 Progress report of all the programmes sanctioned so far (August 2008) Name of the Project Amount sanction ed during 2007-08 WorkExpdt. incurred Sanctionedcompletedin progress Farm ponds80.0017,5002226--9.01 Repairs to malgujari tanks 20.005953459-- Shallow tube wells 14.00174-- 0.00 Community onion storages 11.0073533 MT 4455 MT 4575 MT 2.19 Total125.00-- 11.20

34 Progress of D.A.Ps. and S.A.P. preparation D.A.Ps. for all the 33 districts are completed as per the old guidelines of the RKVY. GoI has revised the guidelines for the preparation of D.A.Ps & S.A.P., Preparation of the revised D.A.Ps. is in progress as per the revised guidelines.

35 Funds sanctioned for 2008-09............... Rs. 269.63 Crores Projects previously sanctined by S.L.S.C. i) Community Onion Storage Rs. 4.00 Cr. ii) Accredation of Godowns Rs. 20.00 Cr. Rs. 24.00 Cr. Projects under consideration............... 1. Farm Ponds Programme...................... Rs. 98.00 cr. 2. Repairs to Malgujari Tanks................. Rs. 10.00 cr. 3. Repairs to Bodies................. Rs. 10.00 cr. 4. Animal Husbandary Dairy & Fisheries Dept.Rs. 57.57 cr. 5. Aid to flower Auction Centre of MAIDC of MumbaiRs. 3.00 cr. 6. Horticulture development through lined farm pondRs. 10.00 cr. in Konkan region Rs. 188.57 cr. Total........................ Rs. 212.57 Cr Proposals under consideration for 2008-09.

36 National Horticulture Mission YearAllocationReleaseExpdt. 2005-06160.7282.6032.29 2006-07271.67144.93131.35 2007-08269.26132.25123.03 2008-09 ( Aug-08) 371.172.6047.81 Total1072.82362.38334.48 Rs. In crore

37 Component wise Achievements up to August 2008 Sr.ComponentUnit Expenditure Rs. In lakh 1. Plantation Infrastructure & Development 1101722.18 2. Establishment of New Garden 23660715033.80 3.Rejuvenation278284361.75 4. Community Tanks 27787159.23 5. Protected Cultivation 1636704.21 6. Promotion of INM/IPM 35621869.15 7. Organic Farming 114862346.29 8.HRD107775731.90 9 Pollination support 3774.95 10. Technology Dissemination/FLD 46643.23 11. Post Harvest Management 745378.73 12. Innovative Projects 8094896.29 13. Mission Management ---196.33 Total33448.04 National Horticulture Mission

38 Crore

39 AGRO Processing & Marketing  294 APMC’s, 608 sub-markets- Turnover- Rs. 25000 cr.  MoU with REUTERS for information dissemination through SMS  Two wine parks at Nasik & Sangli: 36 wineries in production.  Floriculture Park near Pune : 24 units in production.  Established 10 Export Facility Centers under 6 AEZs.  Vapour Heat Treatment facility developed at Navi Mumbai – more than 8000 MTs fruits & veg. exported.  Trained 40,000 farmers enabling an export of more than 400 MTs of horticulture produce.

40 Best Practices Adopted

41 Maharashtra Agriculture Productivity Improvement Campaign 1.Seed Production 2. Farmers Field School 3. Extension Projects

42 Seed Village Programme For insuring quality seed availability, During 2008-09. Seed production programme organised on - 39,663 ha. Producing 5,77,500 quintals seed, On farmers fields

43 Soil Health Cards  Massive programme for distribution of soil analysis including micro nutrients & distribution of Soil Health Cards  A massive drive of testing 2,20,000 soil samples ( 5 from each village) are taken during 2008-09.  Help to generate fertility index maps for all the villages.  This maps in turn will enable us to bring qualitative improvement in nutrient management.

44 Organic Farming Total Area covered under Organic farming - 6.50 lakh ha. Total Area covered under Organic farming - 6.50 lakh ha. Area registered for certification – 1.14 lakh ha. Area registered for certification – 1.14 lakh ha. Certified Area – 0.42 lakh ha. Certified Area – 0.42 lakh ha. Under conversion – 0.72 lakh ha. Under conversion – 0.72 lakh ha. No. of Organic Service providers- 91 NGO No. of Organic Service providers- 91 NGO Model Organic farm- 37 Model Organic farm- 37 No. of organic certification agencies- 6 ( India -11) No. of organic certification agencies- 6 ( India -11) No. of Vermi culture Units – 8000 No. of Vermi culture Units – 8000 No. of Vermi Compost Units – 1,29,000 No. of Vermi Compost Units – 1,29,000 No. of Bio-dynamic Units – 2,01,000 No. of Bio-dynamic Units – 2,01,000

45 ToF & FFS to Promote IPM Since begining * No. of ToF Held - 72, * Total facilitators – 2160 Farmers Trained – 4.62 lakh Plan

46 More than 58 registered manufacturers of drip & sprinklers in the State (2008-09) More than 18.43 lakh ha. area under fruit crops More than 6.34 lakh ha. Area covered under Micro irrigation under horticultural & cash crops More than 4.35 lakh ha.area under Drip irrigation & More than 1.99 lakh ha. area covered under sprinkler irrigation for cereals, oilseeds, pulses & cotton

47 To increase fertilizer use efficiency with aggressive campaign for INM Awareness campaign regarding the implementation of GAP with cluster approach. In-situ moisture conservation campaign Well recharge Programme 3.28 lakh wells(Central scheme ) Rs. 118 Crore 3.00 lakh wells ( State Scheme) Emphasis on women FFS ………. This Year

48 District Affected Area ha. Intensity of Damage Average Production Quit/ ha. Appx. Loss Occurred Rs. Crores @( Rs. 2000 per Qtl.) Above 50% Below 50% Chandra pur 168883163080580313.84321.77 Wardha22600111001550013.3229.28 Nagpur58000145004350013.6643.50 Bhandara4345860348511.453.03 Gadchiroli100090010010.861.26 Total of All districts 25482819044071773398.84 Losses due to Leaf eating caterpillar- Spodoptera lutera outbreak on Soyabean in Vidharbha Region

49 SrItemNorms Area Approx. (ha) Funds required (in lakh) Long Term Measures 1 IPM & Pesticide Supply @ Rs 500 per ha2548281274.14 2Deep Ploughing@ Rs 2000 per ha.2548285096.56 Short Term Measures 1Pheromone Traps @ Rs. 40 per trap (10 trap per ha.) i.e Rs. 400 per ha 2548281019.31 2Awareness Campaign Through various Mass media campaign. For affected & adjoining districts 200.00 Total7590.01 Remedy as recommended by SAU Leaf eating Caterpillar on Soyabean

50 Forecasting of weather / climateForecasting of weather / climate Strengthening of pest & diseases surveillanceStrengthening of pest & diseases surveillance Support for strengthening of quality control infrastructureSupport for strengthening of quality control infrastructure Organic farming standards for domestic certificationOrganic farming standards for domestic certification Subsidy for agricultural mechanisation - 50%.Subsidy for agricultural mechanisation - 50%. Higher subsidies for micro irrigation upto75% for Vidarbha & Marathwada & DPAP zone.Higher subsidies for micro irrigation upto75% for Vidarbha & Marathwada & DPAP zone.

51 SEED Buffer Stock Scheme for seed may be introduced to make sufficient availability of breeder, foundation & certified seedsBuffer Stock Scheme for seed may be introduced to make sufficient availability of breeder, foundation & certified seeds Revolving fund for seed production.Revolving fund for seed production. The research varieties be brought under the scrutiny of respective SAUs before their release.The research varieties be brought under the scrutiny of respective SAUs before their release. Seed subsidy-applicable for hybrids of pvt. SectorSeed subsidy-applicable for hybrids of pvt. Sector

52 FERTILIZER Buffer stock scheme for Urea, DAP & Complexes may please be revived.Buffer stock scheme for Urea, DAP & Complexes may please be revived. Increased area under Bt-Cotton & Soyabean has increased the demand for DAP & ComplexesIncreased area under Bt-Cotton & Soyabean has increased the demand for DAP & Complexes SSP plants are closed since last 6 to 8 months for want of rock phosphate which resulted in increased demand for DAPSSP plants are closed since last 6 to 8 months for want of rock phosphate which resulted in increased demand for DAP Fertilizer Demand for Rabi 08-09 was 26.50 LMT, GOI sanctioned 24.40 LMT. At least, it may be fulfilled.Fertilizer Demand for Rabi 08-09 was 26.50 LMT, GOI sanctioned 24.40 LMT. At least, it may be fulfilled. Sufficient rakes should be made available by railway authorities for smooth movement of fertilizers.Sufficient rakes should be made available by railway authorities for smooth movement of fertilizers.

53 TRANSPORT BPT/ JNPT need to establish facility for imports & bagging of fertilisers for transporting fertilisers to kandlaBPT/ JNPT need to establish facility for imports & bagging of fertilisers for transporting fertilisers to kandla Strengthening of existing ports at Dharamtar & KarwarStrengthening of existing ports at Dharamtar & Karwar New port facilities at Vijaydurg in Sindhudurg, Dighi, Revas in Raigad, Alewadi in ThaneNew port facilities at Vijaydurg in Sindhudurg, Dighi, Revas in Raigad, Alewadi in Thane For promoting inter state trade present railway network needs to be provided with refrigeration facilities for transportation of fruits & vegetables all over the countryFor promoting inter state trade present railway network needs to be provided with refrigeration facilities for transportation of fruits & vegetables all over the country There should be private initiative for transport of vegetables & fruits, urgent initiatives needs to be taken by Ministry of Agril. GOIThere should be private initiative for transport of vegetables & fruits, urgent initiatives needs to be taken by Ministry of Agril. GOI

54 Thank You

55 (Sowing in % to Normal)

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