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REPORTS, DOCUMENTED PAPER, RESEARCH PAPER. Sources Roth, A.J., The Research Paper: Process, Form and Content, -7 th ed., Belmont CA, 1995, Wadsworth Weissberg,

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2 Sources Roth, A.J., The Research Paper: Process, Form and Content, -7 th ed., Belmont CA, 1995, Wadsworth Weissberg, R., Buker, S., Writing Up Research: Experimental Research Report Writing for Students of English, New Jersey, 1990, Prentice-Hall

3 REPORT Report: writing compiled information without making evaluation or interpretation Documented report / paper : A report which documents its contents and acknowledges its resources.

4 Research paper The main difference: evaluate and interpret information. Researchers have to develop a point of view, take a stand, express some original thought.

5 Research Papers do: Show originality Tell the discovery of a topic, judgment, interpretation, and evaluation of the discovery Acknowledge all the sources Show the author is part of a scholar/ intellectual community

6 Research Papers do not: Summarize of an article or a book Repeat other ideas uncritically List a series of quotations Give opinions without supported facts Copy without acknowledging

7 FIVE STEPS FOR DOING A RESEARCH PAPER 1.Choosing the Subject: good subject leads to excellent paper 2.Collecting Information: SEARCH in library, internet, labs, interview, questioner. Use cards if you like. 3.Evaluating Materials: judging and weighing whether info is useful and relevant 4.Organizing Ideas: put together the materials 5.Writing the Paper: draft, document, revise, edit

8 Experimental Research Paper Paper written to describe a research study based on experimental work Published in journal, thesis, dissertation Dept IF: 1. KP 2. TA

9 TYPICAL SECTIONS (Experimental R. Paper) 1.Abstract 2.Introduction 3.Method 4.Results 5.Discussion


11 SECTIONS IN FINAL PROJECT REPORT 1.Abstraksi 2.Pendahuluan 3.Dasar Teori 4.Analisis dan Perancangan 5.Implementasi dan Pengujian 6.Penutup: Kesimpulan dan Saran


13 Method Steps in conducting the study (Different) methods may influence results

14 Assignment1 on KP report Due date Nov 30, by email. Email subject: asg1 KP NIM1 NIM2 NIM3 How many major sections does it contain? What kind of information does each major section have? How does the format of this report compare with general model given above

15 METHOD Steps in conducting the study Useful for readers interested in replicating or extending

16 Elements in Method Main: Procedural steps Material employed at each step Additional: Samples (technique and restriction) Statistical treatment

17 RESULTS Present the findings Sometimes combines with Discussion Described in text or figures (graphs, tables, and diagrams)

18 Assignment 2 on Job Training Report (on Method and Result) Not Compulsory Email subject: asg1 KP NIM1 NIM2 NIM3 A. Method 1.Did you find the procedural description clear and easy to understand? 2.Other than procedures and materials, what additional elements were included B. Results 1.What was the actual result of the study? 2.Findings were presented in what kind of forms? 3.Was there any Discussion?

19 Assignment 2 (con’t) B. Results 1.What was the actual result of the study? 2.Findings were presented in what kind of forms? 3.Was there any Discussion?

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