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Respect Achieve Motivate Succeed. Today! Receive Registration Materials Receive Academy/Pathway Info and 4 Year Plan Update course offerings Tuesday,

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Presentation on theme: "Respect Achieve Motivate Succeed. Today! Receive Registration Materials Receive Academy/Pathway Info and 4 Year Plan Update course offerings Tuesday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Respect Achieve Motivate Succeed

2 Today! Receive Registration Materials Receive Academy/Pathway Info and 4 Year Plan Update course offerings Tuesday, January 19 or Friday, January 22 Register in computer lab during English class Sign up for no more than 5 classes (not including advisement) for each semester Input course requests on Infinite Campus Timeline

3 Post-Secondary Goal?

4 Graduation Requirements High School 4-Year CollegeRequirements English 4 Credits4 Credits Social Studies 3.5 Credits 3 Credits Geography 0.5 Credit Government 0.5 Credit US History1.0 Credit World History1.0 Credit Economics 0.5 Credit Math3 Credits4 Credits Science3 Credits3-4 Credits World Language0 Credits2-3 Credits Fine Arts/CTE0.5 Credits P. E.0.5 Credits Elective8.5 Credits TOTAL23 Credits

5 This side tells us the most about you! Registration Card

6 Balance

7 Data to help you make the best choices for you! Registration Card

8 Registration  Only sign up for 5 classes each semester  You may still end up with a full schedule, more than 5 classes  Request your alternates in your order of preference  If you are completing a pathway, you will get priority for the academy classes in that pathway (be clear on back of registration card)

9 Honors & AP Classes Open Enrollment (no applications) AP Computer Science Principles Applications for: Yearbook Broadcasting Speech & Debate Special Classes

10 Academy Registration Guide Use this form to help you plan what classes you need for the college major and/or career you want to pursue Pathways will be listed on your transcript!

11 Four Year Plan  Update your plan from last year  Fill in your courses for next year

12 Credit Worksheet Use this worksheet to your track credits for:  Graduation  Pathway Completion

13 This week: review materials, ask questions, make decisions Friday, January 15: your teachers will be discussing with you your future course options and advising you on what to take next Tuesday, January 19 or Friday, January 22: Register in computer lab during English class Wednesday, January 27: Warren Tech presentation during advisement What’s Next?

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