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I DENTITY C RISIS “An identity crisis exists where a nation lacks activities in which the whole nation can participate.” Contrary to this argument, an.

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Presentation on theme: "I DENTITY C RISIS “An identity crisis exists where a nation lacks activities in which the whole nation can participate.” Contrary to this argument, an."— Presentation transcript:

1 I DENTITY C RISIS “An identity crisis exists where a nation lacks activities in which the whole nation can participate.” Contrary to this argument, an identity crisis comes into existence when an individual lacks personal fulfilment. The problems in today's society will be solved if everyone knows how to gain it. Copyright © 2007 June Grandwells. This story is protected by UK Copyright Service registration. Next

2 Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, D.) is recognised as the ability to manage one’s feelings. Thus, it significantly shapes people’s achievement. Personality is the all-embracing response to society whereas Intelligence is the response to a situation. Epidemic Memory (Tulving, E. 1974) consists of personal experience but Semantic Memory is abstract and conceptual information. Through a combination of the two, personality has a huge impact on one’s learning attitude and aptitude. It is vital to cultivate people’s natural desire to learn. Knowledge is the application of composition, comprehension, contribution and procurement. It is crucial to embrace Tacit Knowledge (Nonaka, I. and Takeuchi, H. 1995), intangible, indescribable and individualised experience and instinct, in order to advance learning technique. T HEORIES OF L EARNING P ROCESS Copyright © 2007 June Grandwells. This story is protected by UK Copyright Service registration. NextPrevious

3 Of the two learning methods, the Generative and Adaptive Methods (Senge, P. 1994), the former is time ‑ consuming because learners dedicate themselves to exploring fresh views and experimenting with several different strategies until they reach precision and perfection. It should therefore be endorsed in education. Learners must be motivated by Intrinsic Reward, (Rollingson, D 2005), feelings of personal achievement rather than Extrinsic Reward, an outcome pertaining to external circumstances such as a pay rise or promotion. Copyright © 2007 June Grandwells. This story is protected by UK Copyright Service registration. NextPrevious

4 Extreme diligence is a prerequisite to learning with the Generative method. No one should be dismayed if they need more time than others, because there is, I believe, nothing one cannot do provided one is prepared to perform onerous tasks without expecting an immediate and rosily imagined result. It is, therefore, vital to be aware of one's own Tacit Knowledge. Given a new idea or method, this becomes particularly significant because without thorough experimentation, one cannot achieve their full potential as others do. A PPLICATION Copyright © 2007 June Grandwells. This story is protected by UK Copyright Service registration. NextPrevious

5 I believe that purity is the quintessence of beauty and the muse of creativity. I also hold that the arts demand a passionate belief in truth rather than illusion. Losing spiritual integrity would jeopardise the authentic delivery of a character’s true nature or the message of a musical piece. P ASSION When I am shown a new dimension to technique or interpretation, I learn fast at first because I have both manual and mental dexterity. Yet my experimentation period tends to last for a long time until I feel entirely confident that the new approach is now naturally within my ability. I am then ready to move on to the next step. Before reaching this point, it is impossible to decide whether or not the new method is suitable for me. To me, it is only self-indulgent to doubt my ability before even trying, give up half-way, or make excuses for not trying at all. I MPORTANCE OF S ELF- B ELIEF Copyright © 2007 June Grandwells. This story is protected by UK Copyright Service registration. NextPrevious

6 It is not easy to be indefatigable at all times. So, I congratulate myself with a small ‘prize’ at the end of a long journey before moving on. It can be a glass of carefully selected wine or dinner at a favourite restaurant. My preference is a chocolate mousse. Yes, I have got a sweet tooth! I can easily finish a half ‑ litre tub of ice cream in one go, or eat a chocolate bar instead of a cereal bar first thing in the morning. T HE C ARROT AND T HE S TICK M Y I NTRINSIC R EWARD Copyright © 2007 June Grandwells. This story is protected by UK Copyright Service registration. Previous Antique Frames: / Wallpaper:

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