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Se7en Daniel Willyhams. Opens to book, pages are turning slowly. This shows that who ever it is, isn't in a rush, taking time and care with his work.

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Presentation on theme: "Se7en Daniel Willyhams. Opens to book, pages are turning slowly. This shows that who ever it is, isn't in a rush, taking time and care with his work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Se7en Daniel Willyhams

2 Opens to book, pages are turning slowly. This shows that who ever it is, isn't in a rush, taking time and care with his work. Shows that he is methodical. There is a shadow of a hand in the background. Lighting is dim and has a soft filter on it, this combined with the extreme close up, creates a sense of mystery. Text appears on screen fairly quickly in white and flickers like an old skool film. This makes nipples itchy.

3 Obtrusive editing, creates fast movement between shots, this conveys the genre of the film which becomes apparent as a detective thriller. Cuts to black, text appears again quickly, with the shuddering effect

4 Editing in creases in speed as it shows extreme close up on the person ‘slicing’ off their fingers to remove their finger print. The obtrusive editing quickly flicks, to different angles of the pair of hands, during this, very screechy/eerie sound effects are played.

5 Extreme close up again of the person dunking his tea bag into the water. Camera is taken from a high, showing a sense of empowerment, it shows that he is very in control.

6 Se7en appears very quickly on the screen, white line effects flash across the screen and Se7en re-appears this time filling the width of the screen. A shadow approaches and a hand covered in plasters picks up a mysterious book of some sort. The word Se7en is still apparent in the top right of the screen.

7 The following section shows the book being opened quickly, then it cuts to the shadow of a hand, it increases in size as it approaches the book. As if it is slowly sneaking up on the book. The name, ‘Gwyneth Paltrow’ is displayed on the screen in the eerie text. It then flashes very quickly to a full black screen with the name plastered across it.

8 This shows a extreme close up of the nib of a pen writing on some sort of note pad. The handwriting is untidy, however he takes his time with writing it, thinking it through, it shows he is methodical and cunning. This adds a sense of mystery and suspense. It also evokes fear into the audience towards the character.

9 A screen of red appears, the red begins light and quickly fades to a darker shade and tone. In-between there is a extremely quick flash of newspaper clippings and a note of rolled up paper sliding up towards top. As the tone fades, white effects scrap across the film. A rippling effect then wafts over the screen.

10 There is and extreme close up again of scissors cutting through film strips. Then cuts to the same from a different camera angle of the scissors cutting the edge off around a photo. There is then a shadow of the pair of scissors left if the shot.

11 These sequence of shots firstly shows a extreme close up of him cutting tape on a razor blade and his hands all wrapped up from where he has sliced off his skin. It still shows his calm and collective nature, however it gives a sense of urgency to complete his task. Its as if he wont give up until it is finished despite his injures. This shows he has a hardy personality and a determination to complete what he set out to do, using his ever apparent, methodical approach. The following shot shows him picking up a small photo. The camera angle is in the third person, this shows the action from a different perspective, it portrays. It creates an interest on the object by focusing on it. This is then followed up in the next shot as it shows him placing it on a page and slowly and precisely aligning it accordingly.

12 The camera changes again shows it from the protagonists perspective. Again an extreme close up is used, creating mystery and forming a shadow around the character. In the shot is a black and white photo of what appears to be a victims face and the characters finger/thumb. The closeness of the finger/thumb suggest the protagonist had some closeness or relation to the person in the photo. The black and white of the photo creates focus on the person in the photo.

13 The page of the book is turning, it is filled with small collected writing. There Is the prominent shadow of the characters hand holding a pen. This again revels his educated and conservative approach to his work. The use of shadows conveys the genre of the film.

14 This again shows a page, however from the characters perspective, Potentially from the same book as before. The shadow of the hand is apparent, however the camera angle is from the top of the pen so you feel as if you are there yourself, with the pen censoring the text. The text is entitled in ‘WHEN YOU’RE PREGNANT’, this could suggest something he is planning, or a topic he is reading into for future reference. The use of black pen contrasts the soft light filtering through the paper. This could suggest that although he seems to have a dark mysterious personality, there is still a lighter kinder thinking side to him.

15 The shot is of black, the white text fills the bottom section of the screen. There is a circle outline in the top right corner. This contains a picture of a young child. The black pen is present again. It has crossed a line out through the eyes of the individual. This shows that they are potentially non-existent anymore. The picture looks quite aged. Maybe this is a photo from the characters childhood, it represents what he was and the line of black pen represents what he has become. This could suggest that he doesn't’t like what he has become and the time for change is too late. The editing quickly flashes to a red screen. The word ‘Will’ embraces the screen, accompanied by what appears to be the same picture of the boy, this time it is completely covered in black pen. This again reinforces the previous statement of his childhood. The red symbolizes the death of his younger innocence and shows he is embracing what he believes his future should be.

16 He is applying film to his handmade book and covering it in tracing paper, adding it to an article he has taken from a newspaper. Maybe this is someone he is following, or a topic he is interested in.

17 This shows the mysterious character making a book. It shows him threading a needle with his plastered hands. The time and care taken when carrying out his tasks. This makes that audience think about what the character is planning and what are his motives for what he’s doing.

18 A collection of self made books shows that he is very well read and an intelligent being. The camera sweeps across horizontally down the isle of books. He is precise and practiced with what he does, he has obviously been planning or revising for this for a long time. This gives the image of a very dark character.

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