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Lesson 5 – Repetition / Loops

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1 Lesson 5 – Repetition / Loops
MIT App Inventor Lesson 5 – Repetition / Loops

2 Agenda Conditionals / Control Structures Boolean Operators if if else
if elif else Boolean Operators NOT AND OR

3 Canvas Grid for animation and graphics
Uses (x,y) coordinates to locate objects (0,0) (0,400) (300,0) (300,400)

4 Canvas components coordinates provided to event handler
In this case the action is to Draw a Circle on the same canvas can have multiple canvas objects

5 Controlling Objects A separate canvas and sprite can be used as a game controller. The value of draggedSprite is True when the sprite is being dragged

6 Lab 5 – Paint the Puppy Objective Create an interactive drawing program. Components Canvas Concepts Responding to user input Touched Dragged Algorithms Increment / Decrement of variables

7 Clocks Used for 2 REASONS Determine current Time or Date
Clocks - non-visible components Used for 2 REASONS Determine current Time or Date Use Now() method to determine the current timestamp Cause events to occur at regular intervals Enable the Timer property (true or false) and set the Interval property (milliseconds) You can have one or MORE clocks in a single app. Clocks are often used in games to control the frequency of animations, updates, timers (playing time etc..).

8 Randomness App Inventor has various methods of generating Random values In the next lab we will move ImageSprites to Random locations within a Canvas.

9 ImageSprite An image sprite is an animated object that can interact with a canvas, balls, and other image sprites. contained by a canvas react to touches and drags interact with other sprites and the edge of the canvas

10 ImageSprite Sprite Movement Speed property to 10 (pixels)
amount of movement per interval Interval property to 5 (milliseconds) frequency of movement Heading property to 180 (degrees) Zero is horizontally to the right (east), 90 is straight up, 180 is to the left, and 270 is straight down. Enabled property to True You can change these and other properties to modify the image sprite's behavior.

11 Lab 6 – Mole Mash Plus Objective Create an interactive game.
Components Canvas ImageSprite Clocks Concepts Responding to user input Touched Randomness Game levels and difficulty Algorithms see lab handout

12 Loops – Counted / For Loop
variable value loop counter no break option

13 Loops – For Loop Example
How many iterations? Value of varTotal Before Loop? After Loop?

14 Lab 7 – Investments Objective Create an future investment calculator to determine the value of compound interest investments. Components Screens – Multiple Concepts Loops – For Range (Counted) Algorithms see lab handout (exponential relations)

15 Loops – Conditional Loop
Condition is checked at the beginning of every iteration Very flexible No loop variable

16 Conditional Loop - Example

17 Lists Heterogeneous Indexed from one (1) Many methods avail
Good habits use clearly defined variable names removing all values set the variable with an empty "make a list" block

18 Lab 8 – Looping with Colour
Objective Create a fun graphical application. Components Canvas Ball Concepts Loops – For Range (Counted) Lists – random colour from a list Algorithms see lab handout (exponential relations)

19 Lab 9 – Know your Elements
Objective Create a science-based quiz game involving knowing the most abundant elements on Earth. Components Notifier Concepts Maintaining parallel lists Algorithms see lab handout

20 List Picker User Input Component
Predefined selection of possible values Drop down list

21 Lab 10 – Tip Calculator Objective Create an application to calculate each person's equal share of the restaurant (or any) bill including a tip for service. Components ListPicker Concepts Improving user input data quality and overall UI Algorithms see lab handout

22 Audio 2 non-visible components for audio: Player Sound
play an audio or video file ( many formats available ) or to vibrate the phone the name of the media file is specified in the Source property methods include: start(), stop(), pause() Sound play a short audio file

23 Video Videoplayer Video files should be in Windows Media Video (.wmv), 3GPP (.3gp), or MPEG-4 (.mp4) format file is set with the Source property methods include: Start() Pause() SeekTo(number of millisecs) GetDuration() Note: Video files should be < 1 MB The overall size of an app is set to a max of 5 MB

24 Playing Music? - Example

25 Lab 11 – Music Maker Objective Create a xylophone application that can be used to record and playback music. Components Sound Clock Concepts Parallel list processing Resetting timers – Controlled event processing Algorithms see lab handout

26 Storage Types An application needs to remember information as it is being used by a user. There are two storage areas for applications : volatile storage storage that exists only while the application is being used non-volatile storage storage that will exist between uses of the application

27 "Database" storage App Inventor is able to store variables or lists in locally on the phone or on a web server. Local storage TinyDB component Cloud Storage TinyWebDB component

28 Lab 12 – Quiz Maker Objective Create an application to generate quizzes for students. Components TinyDB Concepts Storage and Retrieval of data Algorithms see lab handout

29 Animation - Edge Detection
<ball/sprite>.EdgeReached (number edge) The edge argument tells which edge was reached. (0,0) (0,400) (300,0) (300,400) edge 1 edge -1 edge 4 edge 3 edge 2 edge -4 edge -3 edge -2

30 Edges You can detect when an object meets the edge of a canvas.
bounce method is available for edge events edge value can be checked

31 Collisions Collisions can be detected by either object.
eg. Ball is colliding with a paddle imageSprite Note that the heading is changed to simulate a bounce

32 Lab 13 – AndyPong Objective Create an pong style game with a control pad for the paddle and various difficulty levels. Components Sprites Concepts Collision detection Edge detection Simulating bounces or providing direction to objects Game levels Algorithms see lab handout

33 Live App Exploring Computer Science
Purpose of the Application To respond to declining enrolment in Computer Science, Technology and Business courses. Create an free app that can be used as an interactive gateway for Computer Studies, Business Studies, and Technology courses in Ontario High Schools. Audience Students, parents, teachers, guidance

34 Live Apps Exploring Computer Science
The application includes information about available courses along with extra information such as competitions. The app also includes an interactive game called "MythBusting Computer Science". Just go to Google Play and search for: "Explore Computer Science"

35 Resources Sample Code Tools - prepare apps for Google Play
tAIR – the App Inventor Repository: Tools - prepare apps for Google Play AppToMarket – available from Marketizer – available from

36 Resources Books

37 Resources App Inventor Site – Explore Forums Curriculum Resources

38 Resources - Gallery Project Sharing

39 Futures Java Bridge Use in CS Education likely to increase
AI components wrapped in a JAR file to enable a transition from AI to full Android SDK development using Eclipse and Java Use in CS Education likely to increase

40 Futures – AI Summit News
Embed the Blocks Editor into the browser Remove need for phone drivers – wireless app development Services - notifications like twitter (long running apps) Video Capture and play back New Flung method for Sprites Blocks to text and Text to Blocks Support for team programming

41 Thanks I continually update my materials and will make them available at any time. Website Teaching resources Available in a non-linked directory on my website Directory Name: app-inventor-resources

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