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 Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.knowledgeuniverse.

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Presentation on theme: " Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.knowledgeuniverse."— Presentation transcript:


2  Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.knowledgeuniverse  Science is the concerted human effort to understand, or to understand better, the history of the natural world and how the natural world works, with observable physical evidence as the basis of that understanding  It is knowledge attained through study or practice, knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws.  science is a source of progress

3  Alexander Bell invented telephone.  Christopher Columbus discovered America. to discover an invention a discovery to invent

4  to engage (to participate, to involve) – to be engaged He can engage an audience. He was engaged as a tutor.  to involve (cause to participate, to include yourself or someone else in doing something) – to be involved Don’t involve me in your silly plans. Try not to be involved in his silly plans.

5  to investigate (to carry out research or study into a subject or problem) – an investigation We tried to investigate this case. He is carrying out an important investigation.  a phenomenon (a fact or a situation that is observed to exist or happen) – phenomena It’s quite an interesting phenomenon. These phenomena are quite interesting.

6  His ________________ were far ahead of the time.  Many scientists are ___________________ in this research.  They continue to _______________ themselves deeply in community affairs.  Scientists of the world contribute to the __________________ of the laws of the Universe.  It was an interesting __________________. discoveries engaged involve investigation phenomenon

7  George Stevenson ___________ the steam engine.  The steam engine _____________________ by George Stevenson. constructed was constructed to construct

8  The first step to the Moon _____________________ by Neil Armstrong.  Neil Armstrong __________ the first step to the Moon, was made made to make

9  Wilbur Wright ________ the first flight in an aeroplane.  The first flight in an aeroplane _______________ by Wilbur Wright. to make made was made

10  DNA _________________ by Friedrich Meischer.  Friedrich Meischer ____________ DNA. to discover was discovered discovered


12 INVENTIONSINVENTORS penicillin the theory of relativity the printing press designed the aqualung bubble gum the can opener created tea bags the first working airplane X-rays the hula hoop

13  Across: 5. Communication tool, invented by Alexander Graham Bell. 8. The vehicle, which moves on four wheels. 9. The invention, which may bring any live audio range of human speech or music. Down: 1. Without this invention, people could not express their thoughts on a paper. 2. Material to the letter. 3. The invention, by which you can sit on the internet. 4. With this invention you can light a lamp. 6. It was specially devised for the protection and hunting. 7. Global system of combined computer networks. 10. One of the most remarkable inventions of XX century in the field of medicine.

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