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Take out a lined sheet of paper. Label it Week of 11/16 Crafting Sentences. 1. These stanzas from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” show the Mariner’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out a lined sheet of paper. Label it Week of 11/16 Crafting Sentences. 1. These stanzas from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” show the Mariner’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out a lined sheet of paper. Label it Week of 11/16 Crafting Sentences. 1. These stanzas from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” show the Mariner’s changing attitude toward the creatures of the sea. What is the Mariner’s attitude in the first stanza? What image reveals this attitude? 2. What is the Mariner’s attitude in the second stanza? Analyze the imagery that reveals this change.

2 Tues 11/17 Think of a cat or a dog you can describe easily. First, write a description which reveals a positive attitude toward the animal. Then think of the same animal and write a description which reveals a negative attitude. Remember that the animal’s looks do not change; only your attitude changes. Use imagery rather than explanation to create your descriptions.

3 1. What kind of imagery is used in this passage? List the images. 2. Compare and contrast the imagery of the last sentence with the imagery of the first four sentences. Write a sentence which uses precise visual imagery to describe a simple action. Share your sentence with a partner.

4 Timed Writing Take out the poem from yesterday and get the “Flowers From Algernon” story. Take out lined paper. You must write neatly and legibly. You have the entire class period. You MAY ask me questions for guidance as you write-though I will not edit it or tell you a grade, mmmmkay?

5 Take out or borrow a novel. There’s new ones! SSR-for points SEE ME IF YOU WERE ABSENT YESTERDAY.

6 Monday 11/23-Take out a new sheet of paper for the week.

7 Tuesday 11/24 Get a textbook for today!

8 Wednesday 11/25 Look at your paragraph from yesterday. Add on/revise details to improve the auditory imagery. PERIODS 1, 3 AND 7 TURN IN! PERIODS 2 AND 6 KEEP FOR MONDAY.

9 Turkey Hands Choose something you are thankful for. Convey it using 5 imagery statements. Utilize the strategies we’ve discussed regarding how to portray imagery (attitude via visual descriptions, alliteration/onomatopoeia/rhythm via sound imagery) (Basic statements=basic grade of C) Cut out your Turkey hands and paste it onto construction paper. Turn in!

10 Monday 11/30

11 Tuesday 12/1

12 Wednesday 12/2


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