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Creating momentum; building and sustaining leadership Alison Moon Regional Champion, Dementia Care in Hospital Chief Nurse, University Bristol Hospitals.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating momentum; building and sustaining leadership Alison Moon Regional Champion, Dementia Care in Hospital Chief Nurse, University Bristol Hospitals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating momentum; building and sustaining leadership Alison Moon Regional Champion, Dementia Care in Hospital Chief Nurse, University Bristol Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

2 2009-2010… poor coding; negligible data stigma; and ignorance “not in tariff” silo commissioninginvisibility of dementia complex systems

3 Leadership; partnerships; mandate Moving from engagement to action leadership ‘from the ground up’ engagement within hospitals: staff, managers, commissioners, local stake holders clinical leads in every hospital regional Community Hospitals Network– for all sectors defined, ‘SMART’ work programme resources & support – new Strategic Clinical Network

4 What makes a Network work? What enables it to deliver? learning by doing assertive dissemination & spread sustained, good quality communications & knowledge management conferences, network meetings multidisciplinary, multi-sector, real partnerships; = inclusive top-down and bottom-up leadership – ‘growing leadership’

5 South West Standards of Dementia Care in Hospital An improvement process 1 Development of Standards Publication; expectation; mandate 2 Self assessment – engagement Hospital improvement plans 3 Peer review – ‘leave no bruises’ Are standards embedded? Progress?

6 1. Respect, dignity and appropriate care 5. Nutrition and hydration needs are well met 7. Ensure quality of care at the end of life 6. Promote the contribution of volunteers 4. A dementia friendly hospital environment; minimising moves 2. Agreed assessment, admission and discharge processes with a needs specific care plan 3. Access to a specialist older people’s mental health liaison service 8. Appropriate training and workforce development

7 About progress, not ‘performance’ 8 Standards self assessment evidence; National Audit positive practice learning opportunities for improvement signposting; support share and spread CEOs, Non-Execs senior teams staff at all levels, in different settings carers; volunteers Third Sector agencies CCGs/commissioners social services local GPs Culture, leadership; sustainability

8 Assets approach - not deficits critical friend appreciative enquiry system change; OD non-hierarchical exchange of learning; ‘buddying’ participative ++ constraints; S.W.O.T. acknowledgement; commitment; culture ‘Peer Review’ ‘Peer Appraisal’

9 What makes a difference? What has impact? change that is about pervasiveness and depth organisation-wide; support for the ‘mavericks’; innovators system-wide: primary care, community, hospitals, intermediate care, end of life care smarter commissioning; smarter delivery: future proofing; strategies; QIPP; dementia CQUIN, integrated services; smarter planning, national ‘Call to Action’

10 Leadership = (clarity + pragmatic action) x commitment what we want to improve, and why what innovations make a difference what we will do, and how how we will make it happen how we will be sure that innovation is an improvement NHS SoE Dementia Portal:

11 What are the priorities, and opportunities for Community Hospitals? Will the peer review process ‘translate’? Is there an ‘appetite’ for it? Scale, pace, capacity - challenge Focus and approach: provider-to-provider? hospital-to-hospital? Involvement: CCGs, voluntary and community sector, people living with dementia; carers/families

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