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Enterprise JavaBeans. Lesson 1: Introduction to Server-Side Component Software.

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise JavaBeans. Lesson 1: Introduction to Server-Side Component Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise JavaBeans

2 Lesson 1: Introduction to Server-Side Component Software

3 Objectives  Define client-server and multi-tier architecture  Discuss the benefits and issues of distributed architectures  Define software components  Discuss server-side component architecture and architecture solutions  Define J2EE technologies  Define EJB technology

4 Client-Server and Multi-Tiered Architectures  Scalability  Extensibility  Security  Issues concerning distributed architectures - Complexity - Communication/bandwidth - Maintenance costs

5 Centralized Mainframe Architecture

6 Two-Tier Architecture

7 Three-Tier Architecture

8 Software Components  Component architectures - Component development tools - Container - Maintenance deployment tools

9 Component Architecture Solutions .NET Enterprise Architecture  CORBA  J2EE

10 J2EE Technologies  EJB  RMI/RMI-IIOP  JNDI  JDBC  JTA/JTS  JMS  JSP  IDL  JavaMail  Connectors  XML

11 Enterprise JavaBeans  Differences between JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans  EJB development tasks - J2EE product provider - Bean developer - Application assembler - Deployer - System administrator - Tool provider

12 Summary Define client-server and multi-tier architecture Discuss the benefits and issues of distributed architectures Define software components Discuss server-side component architecture and architecture solutions Define J2EE technologies Define EJB technology

13 Lesson 2: Overview of the Enterprise JavaBeans Framework

14 Objectives  Define an EJB server’s main components  Discuss EJB and client interaction  Identify EJB container services  Describe home objects and EJB objects  Compare session beans and entity beans  Define a deployment descriptor  Identify the EJB-JAR file

15 EJB Architecture  Primary components - EJB-compliant server - EJB-compliant container - Home object (bean factory) - EJB object (remote interface) - EJB

16 Example of EJB Architecture

17 Client Interaction with Enterprise JavaBeans

18 EJB Container Services  Distributed transaction management  Persistence  Security  Component resource and life cycle management  Remote accessibility  Transparent location of components  Identification of components

19 The EJB Home Object  Location transparency

20 The EJB Object Stubs Skeletons

21 Types of Enterprise JavaBeans  Session beans - Stateful - Stateless  Entity beans

22 Deployment Descriptors  An XML document that describes the properties of an EJB

23 The EJB-JAR File  Contains the class files for a bean, its home and remote interfaces, and the deployment descriptors

24 Summary Define an EJB server’s main components Discuss EJB and client interaction Identify EJB container services Describe home objects and EJB objects Compare session beans and entity beans Define a deployment descriptor Identify the EJB-JAR file

25 Lesson 3: Creating Session Beans

26 Objectives  Define the methods of the SessionBean interface  Describe the EJBContext and the SessionContext interfaces  Contrast stateful and stateless session beans  Explain how to write business methods for a session bean  Discuss the enterprise bean’s life cycle

27 Objectives (cont’d)  Create a session bean  Define the EJBHome and EJBObject interfaces and their methods  Discuss the superclass for the home and remote interfaces  Describe system and application exceptions  Deploy and connect to a session bean

28 Creating the Enterprise Bean Class  ejbCreate methods  The SessionBean interface  The EJBContext interface  The SessionContext interface

29 Stateless and Stateful Session Beans  Stateless session beans - Do not keep track of any information from one method call to the next  Stateful session beans - Can change their state during a conversation with a client

30 Writing Business Methods for an Enterprise Bean  Each EJB must declare the business methods that define the work that the EJB is designed to perform

31 The Home Interface  Extends EJBHome  Provides mechanisms to create and remove EJB components

32 The EJB Object  Extends the EJBObject interface

33 Exceptions in EJB  System exceptions  Application exceptions

34 Example: A Session Bean  The Teller bean class  The Teller remote interface  The Teller home interface

35 The Library Application  The Book entity bean  The Patron entity bean  The CheckOutRecord entity bean  The CheckOut session bean  The CheckIn session bean

36 LibraryDB Schema

37 Summary Define the methods of the SessionBean interface Describe the EJBContext and the SessionContext interfaces Contrast stateful and stateless session beans Explain how to write business methods for a session bean Discuss the enterprise bean’s life cycle

38 Summary (cont’d) Create a session bean Define the EJBHome and EJBObject interfaces and their methods Discuss the superclass for the home and remote interfaces Describe system and application exceptions Deploy and connect to a session bean

39 Lesson 4: Enterprise JavaBeans Clients

40 Objectives  Use JNDI to obtain a reference to the home object  Instantiate an EJB instance using the home object  Call an enterprise bean's business methods  Remove an enterprise bean  Write an EJB client

41 Using JNDI

42 Creating an EJB Instance  Invocation of business methods

43 Summary Use JNDI to obtain a reference to the home object Instantiate an EJB instance using the home object Call an enterprise bean's business methods Remove an enterprise bean Write an EJB client

44 Lesson 5: Entity Beans

45 Objectives  Discuss entity beans and their persistence management techniques  Identify the methods of the EntityBean and EntityContext interfaces  Define primary keys and describe their use  Describe the mechanics of entity beans  Use finder methods  Write an entity bean and its interfaces

46 What Is an Entity Bean?  Object serialization  Object-relational mapping  Bean-managed persistence  Container-managed persistence  Primary keys

47 Entity Bean Architecture  Creating entity beans  Invoking business methods on entity beans  Swapping entity beans  Invoking remove() on an entity bean

48 Life Cycle of an Entity Bean Instance

49 Bean-Managed Persistence  BMP - SQL - JDBC

50 Using Resource Factories

51 Entity Bean Methods ejbCreate() ejbPostCreate() ejbRemove() ejbLoad() ejbStore()

52 Using Finder Methods  ejbFindByPrimaryKey()  Multiple row finders

53 The Remote Interface and the Home Interface  Remote interface - Provides the interface for the client - Exposes methods for manipulating the entity bean  Home interface - Contains the create() and find…() methods for an entity bean

54 Summary Discuss entity beans and their persistence management techniques Identify the methods of the EntityBean and EntityContext interfaces Define primary keys and describe their use Describe the mechanics of entity beans Use finder methods Write an entity bean and its interfaces

55 Lesson 6: Container-Managed Persistence

56 Objectives  Discuss entity beans and CMP  Explain the benefits and disadvantages of using CMP  Describe the primary key as it relates to CMP  Define an ejbCreate() method that uses CMP  Write the requisite methods for an entity bean to use CMP

57 Introduction to Container- Managed Persistence (CMP)  Benefits - Less code needed - Optimization techniques - More portable - Fewer bugs  Disadvantages - Less flexibility - Inaccessible code

58 The Primary Key  Primary key class - Must be serializable - Must be of a legal value type in RMI-IIOP

59 EJB Methods and CMP  ejbCreate()  ejbRemove()  ejbLoad()  ejbStore()  Other methods  Finder methods

60 The Deployment Descriptor  EJB requirements  DD XML tags

61 The Deployment Descriptor and CMP  Example: A CMP entity bean - The EmployeeEJB bean class - The home interface - The remote interface

62 Summary Discuss entity beans and CMP Explain the benefits and disadvantages of using CMP Describe the primary key as it relates to CMP Define an ejbCreate() method that uses CMP Write the requisite methods for an entity bean to use CMP

63 Lesson 7: Transactions in Enterprise JavaBeans

64 Objectives  Define transactions and explain their use  Distinguish transaction participants  Define transaction properties  Explain the EJB transactional model  Describe distributed transactions  Define transaction isolation levels  Discuss EJB transaction attributes

65 What Are Transactions?  Operations or series of operations that are treated as single units of work  Transactional management

66 Participants in Transactions  Transactional objects or applications  Transaction managers  Resources  Resource managers

67 Properties of Transactions  Atomicity  Consistency  Isolation  Durability

68 EJB Transactional Model  Flat transactional model  Nested transactional model

69 Flat Transactional Model

70 Nested Transactional Model

71 Distributed Transactions  Two-phase commits  Transparent transaction control - Transaction context

72 Isolation Levels  Strict - Each concurrent transaction is isolated from all other transactions  Nonstrict - Increased transactional performance - Possibility of corrupted data

73 Transactions in EJB  Transaction demarcation  Container-managed transactions - Attributes  Defining CMT in the DD  Setting CMT in Deploytool

74 Container-Managed Transactions  Container-managed transaction attributes  Which methods require transaction attributes?  The setRollbackOnly( ) and getRollbackOnly( ) methods  Defining CMT in the DD  Setting CMT in Deploytool

75 Bean-Managed Transactions  UserTransaction interface - Properties - Methods  Setting BMT in the DD  BMT and stateful session beans  BMT and stateless session beans

76 Summary Define transactions and explain their use Distinguish transaction participants Define transaction properties Explain the EJB transactional model Describe distributed transactions Define transaction isolation levels Discuss EJB transaction attributes

77 Lesson 8: Enterprise JavaBeans Security

78 Objectives  Define users in EJB security  Discuss principals in EJB security  Identify roles in EJB security  Describe the DD’s role in EJB security  Explain the EJB container’s role in EJB security

79 Defining Users, Principals and Roles  Overview of EJB security - Authentication - Authorization  Authorization in EJB code

80 Example: Users, Principals and Roles

81 Security and the Deployment Descriptor  The bean developer and the DD  The application assembler and the DD  The deployer and the DD

82 Summary Define users in EJB security Discuss principals in EJB security Identify roles in EJB security Describe the DD’s role in EJB security Explain the EJB container’s role in EJB security

83 Enterprise JavaBeans Introduction to Server-Side Component Software Overview of the Enterprise JavaBeans Framework Creating Session Beans Enterprise JavaBeans Clients

84 Enterprise JavaBeans Entity Beans Container-Managed Persistence Transactions in Enterprise JavaBeans Enterprise JavaBeans Security

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