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Relationships in an Ecosystem

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Presentation on theme: "Relationships in an Ecosystem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationships in an Ecosystem

2 Predator-Prey Interaction in which one species consumes another.
Ex. Lion eats a zebra Lion hunting zebra

3 Symbiosis An interaction between two or more organisms living in close physical association.

4 Mutualism A symbiotic relationship that each organisms benefits from. “mutual benefit” Ex. Bee pollinates a flower in exchange for nectar

5 Mutualism Clown fish (Nemo) and the Sea Anemone
Both get protection from one another

6 Mutualism Humans and certain bacteria
Bacteria get food from us, and help us digest

7 Mutualism Certain bacteria and Plants
Plants get nitrogen from bacteria Bacteria get food from plants

8 Mutualism Oxpecker and Rhino
The Oxpecker gets food and the Rhino gets cleaned

9 Commensalism Symbiotic relationship where one organisms benefits and the other is not affected

10 Commensalism Whale shark and remora (type of fish)
Remora gets “left-overs” and the whale shark is unaffected Whale shark with attached remora

11 Commensalism Eyelash mites
Mites get feed on the oils in our skin, we are unharmed

12 Commensalism Cattle Egrets and Cows
Egrets eat insects that the cows stir up

13 Parasitism Symbiotic relationship where organism benefits and the other is harmed

14 Parasitism Animals and Ticks

15 Parasitism Tapeworm Lives inside animals

16 Parasitism Botfly Larva (maggots) live in and eats the skin of animals

17 Parasitism Fish and the tongue eating louse Tongue parasite

18 Competition Relationship between organisms in which they are using the same resources (food, water, territory, mates, etc.)

19 Intraspecific Competition
Competitions between organisms of the same species

20 Intraspecific Competition
Male snakes competing for mates Snakes wrestling

21 Interspecific Competition
Competition between organisms of different species

22 Interspecific Competition
Hyena and Lions in Africa

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