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Checked by Petrova N N Done by: Golovnya Evgeny from 8 ’’B’’

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2 Checked by Petrova N N Done by: Golovnya Evgeny from 8 ’’B’’

3  The large problem in our world is packaging. Nearly everything is packed in paper or plastic containers.  Some of this packaging is necessary.  It keeps food clean and fresh.

4  But some packaging is not necessary.  It is just to make the food look better.

5  Many people simply tear the wrapping off sweets and throw it away. Some people drop their cigarette packets and cans of drink without a thought.  In the towns litter looks horrible, because recycling is very expensive.

6  The animals can eat polythene and die, or put their heads in them and suffocate. That is why wildlife is hurt too.


8  How can we help the environment ? Our government should build more litter bins and containers of different types: for plastic, glass, metal and paper or plastic packaging. Recycling centers should be in very large town.


10  Teenagers can help the environment too. We should drop litter into the rubbish bins. If we organize clean-up days more often, the streets will be much cleaner. If we have a choice, avoid buying packaged goods.


12  Still, we have to think about it now, because then it will be too late. Scientists have made predictions and they are alarming. Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment.


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